
Off to new beginnings! We proudly introduce our NMUN Bamberg Delegation 2022/2023 representing Mozambique!

General Assembly 1

Name: Josephine Ehmke

Studies: B. Sc. Psychology 

Motivation: Challenging myself regarding public speaking and rhetoric, as well as meeting and exchanging ideas with new people. 

Discussion Topics at GA1: 

  1. Youth for Disarmament, Non-Proliferation, and Peace
  2. Addressing the Illicit Supply of Weapons to Non-State Actors 

General Assembly 2

Names: Daniel Lauer & Halyna Tsymbalista 

Studies: B.A. Political Science & M.A. English and American Studies 

Motivation: NMUN is a wonderful opportunity for us to join a worldwide famous initiative of the UN, where we can debate and talk about political issues. 

Discussion Topics at GA2: 

  1. Rural Economic Development
  2. Minimizing Economic Shock in a Globalized Economy

General Assembly 3

Name: Maya Schwab

Studies: B.A. Political Science 

Motivation: To get to know more about international politics as well as to represent a state which I didn't know much about in the first place. 

Discussion Topics at GA3: 

  1. Healthy Ageing and Age-Friendly Sustainable Development 
  2. Safeguarding Human Rights of Persons Displaced by Climate Change

United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

Name: Teresa Kressel

Studies: B.A. Political Science 

Motivation: To understand what one can contribute to solve problems and challenges that affect our planet today - especially in the UNEA committee. 

Discussion Topics at UNEA: 

  1. Strengthening Action to achieve Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 14
  2. Addressing Climate-Fragility Risks 

Economic Commission for Africa (ECA)

Name: Yannick Gebauer

Studies: B.A. Political Science 

Motivation: NMUN offers me the chance to improve my skills in representing countries and their interests as well as learning about diplomatic behavior. 

Discussion Topics at ECA: 

  1. Promoting Sustainable and Resilient Food Systems in Africa in Times of Crises
  2. Mainstreaming Human Rights troughout the African Continental Free Trade Area

International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Names: Johanna Vogler & Philipp Pédros

Studies: B.A. Political Science & B.A. Communication Science and Political Science 

Motivation: Through NMUN, we want to understand the structures and diplomatic processes behind the UN and more about Mozambique's culture and political interests. 

Discussion Topics at IAEA:

  1. Nuclear Waste Management 
  2. Strengthening Safeguards for the World's Nuclear Facilities


United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Name: Anna Over 

Studies: B.A. Political Science 

Motivation: NMUN offers the best opportunity to discuss pressing political challenges with students from all over the world. 

Discussion Topics at UNHCR:

  1. Protecting Refugees from Human Trafficking 
  2. Preventing the Increase of Internally Displaced Persons 

Security Council (SC)

Names: Claudia Nakkazi & Wiebke Laura Wentzler 

Studies: M.A. Poltical Science & M. Sc. International Business Administration

Motivation: We see NMUN as an opportunity to experience diplomacy and to adopt the perspective of Mozambique in order to assert its interest in the Security Council. 

Discussion Topics at the SC:

  1. Threats to International Peace & Security: Preventing and Combating the Financing of Terrorism 
  2. Women, Peace, & Security: Ending Cycles of Sexual Violence in Conflict