Die aktuelle Delegation 2017/18

Wir sind die NMUN-Delegation 2017/2018 und freuen uns darauf Malaysia und Kuwait in NYC zu vertreten. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zu den diesj?hrigen Delegierten der Universit?t Bamberg.

Hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.:  Luca Schwer, Antje Hendricks, Lisa Schubert, Johanna Mehltretter, Caroline Gansdorfer, Jürgen Dela Cruz Hermann, Luisa Beland, Alexander Bausenwein

Vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Rahel Rude, Andrea Husárová, Johanna Schramm, David Beck, Jessica Hentschel, Ying Liu, Antonia Kempkens, Dominik Bruckner

Die Delegierten

Jessica Hentschel

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science (6th Semester) & B.A. Communication Science (5th Semester) 

Organizational team: Head Delegate 

Committee: GA1

Motivation: Gaining real world experience (in contrast to everyday university life). To acquire new and develop pre-existing skills and being part of such a motivated and ambitious team. 

Life Motto: Do what you are passionate about. Don?t waste your time mulling over what people might think of you. There?s always going to be someone out there who doesn’t like what you do anyway. Simply do what makes you happy, always do your best and just be yourself.

Dominik Bruckner

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. European Economic Studies (2nd Semester) 

Organizational team: Finance Delegate

Committee: GA3

Motivation: NMUN offers me a once in a lifetime opportunity to participate at an event where I will get insights into world politics while simultaneously debating with other highly motivated students from all over the world. I am excited for the challenges that lay ahead of us in New York and am happy to be part of an outstanding team. 

Life Motto: “It is not the years in your life that count, it?s the life in your years." - Abraham Lincoln   

Ying Liu

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Information Systems (6th Semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: GA5

Motivation: Experiencing UN and politics by doing it.

Life Motto: Grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference. 

Lisa Schubert

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science (5th Semester) & B.A. European Economic Studies (3rd Semester)

Organizational team: Social Media & Homepage 

Committee: GA2

Motivation: NMUN is a chance for me to broaden my knowledge about international diplomacy and the UN. Furthermore I want to meet motivated people from all over the world and discuss topics that really matter.

Life Motto: Overprepare, then go with the flow. 


Antje Hendricks

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. European Economic Studies (3rd Semester)

Organizational team: Social Media & Homepage

Committee: UNEA

Motivation: I am truly impressed by the work of the most powerful intergovernmental organization in the world. Therefore, I would feel honoured to experience a project that captures the negotiation process typically occurring at a UN conference.

Life Motto: "If you want something said, ask a man; if you want something done, ask a woman." - Margaret Thatcher

Antonia Kempkens

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Philosophy & B.A. Sociology (4th Semester)

Organizational team: Press Team

Committee: GA3

Motivation: Discussing the world?s most important problems and trying to find solutions by compromising.

Life Motto: “I can resist everything except temptation.” – Oscar Wilde  



Luisa Beland

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Business and Economic Education (3rd Semester) 

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: UNEA

Motivation: Experiencing a unique combination of gaining knowledge in international relations and developing personal skills while working in a great team.

Life Motto:  “Keep your eyes on the stars and your feet on the ground.” – Theodore Roosevelt

Andrea Husárová

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Political Science (3rd Semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: GA2

Motivation: Being a member of the NMUN delegation means to me a rare chance to look behind the scenes of the largest international organization which deals with possible political solutions of global problems as well as a unique opportunity to increase my knowledge about world politics through experiencing it. 

Life Motto: “What you do not want done to yourself, do not do to others.” – Confucius

Alexander Bausenwein

Studies (incl. semester): B.Sc. European Economic Studies (6th Semester)

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: GA1

Motivation: NMUN provides me the unique possibility to get insights into the work of the UN. It also gives me the chance to experience a cultural and scientific exchange with many students from all over the world, which is tremendously exciting.

Life Motto: “Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven’t found it yet, keep looking. Don?t settle. As with all matters of the heart, you?ll know when you find it.” – Steve Jobs

Luca Schwer

Studies (incl. semester): Political Science (4th Semester) 

Organizational team: Sponsoring

Committee: OPCW

Motivation: International cooperation has become more important than ever. Experiencing the procedures of the biggest platform for multilateral exchange is a unique opportunity to gain insights into that. 

Life Motto: One must try the impossible to achieve the possible. 

David Beck

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Political Science (7th Semester)      

Organizational team: Press Team

Committee: UNSC

Motivation: For me, this project offers a great opportunity to learn about international diplomacy by discussing real-world problems.

Life Motto: The way is the destination.

Johanna Mehltretter

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Sociology (6th Semester)

Organizational team: Final Report

Committee: OPCW

Motivation: NMUN is a unique opportunity for me to get a practical insight into the international politics as well as into the decision-making of the UN while experiencing a lot of cultural exchange by getting to know so many dedicated students from all over the world. 

Life Motto: 

Johanna Schramm

Studies (incl. semester): High school teaching (10th Semester)

Organizational team: Final Report 

Committee: UNSC

Motivation: I believe the NMUN project is a great opportunity to get an in-depth look into the interplay of international actors, and especially into the work flows of the United Nations, on a practical basis. 

Life Motto: Never judge someone until you?ve walked a mile in his shoes. That way, when you judge him, you?re a mile away and you have his shoes. 

Jürgen Dela Cruz Hermann

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. English Studies and Political Science (4th Semester)

Organizational team: Social Media & Homepage 

Committee: GA5

Motivation: My motivation in joining the MUN project is to work, debate and engage with people from all walks of life or studies at the various conferences in their roles as delegates and to get to know them in person afterwards so that we can forge friendships that will make the entire experience an unforgettable one.

Life Motto: Live life to the fullest, make friends, do exciting things, do what you love, make mistakes but remember to never stop learning, to appreciate the people around you because they are there to create lifelong memories with you, and to smile because you are the one who made it happen. 

Caroline Gansdorfer

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. International Business Administration (8th Semester)

Organizational team: Press Team 

Committee: UNESCO

Motivation: The United Nations represent an institution for international co-operation with valuable objectives for me and I am excited to be part of it. 

Life Motto: When all else fails take a nap.


Rahel Rude

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Political Science (2nd Semester)           

Organizational team: Press Team 

Committee: UNESCO

Motivation: Discussing the world?s issues with international people and discovering new perspectives on possible solutions for pressing problems.

Life Motto: "Sometimes, not getting what you want is a wonderful stroke of luck." - Dalai Lama