Das Betreuerteam 2012/2013

Auf dieser Seite stellen sich unser Faculty Advisor und die Tutoren vor, die im vergangenen Jahr selbst bei NMUN mitgemacht haben und nun noch einmal die Erfahrungen als NMUN-Tutor mitnehmen m?chten. Mit viel Enthusiasmus bereiten sie uns w?chentlich auf unsere gro?e Herausforderung in New York vor. 

hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Bj?rn Lojda, Dorothee Adam, Daniel F?rtsch

vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Marc Altkrüger, Antje Treichel, Sebastian Jungkunz, Faculty Advisor Johanna Kammerer


Faculty Advisor Thomas D?rfler, M.A.

Profile Thomas D?rfler

Position at the University: Lecturer; Research Fellow, Chair of International Relations PhD Candidate, Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences (BAGSS)

Studies: Political Sciene, Bachelor (University of Bamberg); Political Science, Master (Universtity Leiden, The Netherland); 

Function as Faculty Advisor: Faculty Advisor and teacher of the NMUN-Seminar "How the UN works" for NMUN delegates.

History with NMUN: I was former participant of several MUNs and have organized the project in the past. I was delegate for the University of Bamberg at NMUN 2007 representing Zambia in the African Development Bank (AfDB). In 2008 I organized the project as Faculty Advisor and supported the delegations work in New York. For their achievements the delegation was awarded with an "Outstanding Position Papers" Award. Since 2011 I support the project as Faculty Advisor in my position as Research Fellow at the Chair of International Relations.

Faculty Advisor Johanna Kammerer

Profile Johanna Kammerer

Studies: European Business, Bachelor & Political Science, Bachelor

Functions as a Faculty Advisor: As Faculty Advisor, I am responsible for the weekly tutorial. Together with a team of six tutors, I’ll equip the delegates with skills in public speaking and negotiation for the National Model United Nations Conference in New York.

As former participants, we contribute our expertise and knowledge to the project in order to make NMUN a successful and unforgettable experience for the current delegation. 

What I learnt from NMUN 2012 and why I became faculty advisor for NMUN 2013: Negotiating among diverse peoples and perspectives is not always an easy task, achieving consensus can be very challenging and winning progress sometimes requires a lot of patience.

As a member of the last year’s delegation, I experienced NMUN as a unique opportunity to understand the complexity of international relations and the inner workings of the United Nations. I really enjoyed representing Guatemala at the Conference in New York, where each year more than 5.000 students with diverse backgrounds, fields of studies and nationalities gather together to discuss the world’s most crucial issues.  

I am excited about working together with a Delegation of 21 students, who are highly motivated and filled with such an enthusiasm and excitement to represent their country Morocco. Preparing the Delegation for New York and seeing how they progress in becoming ‘dimplomats’ is something I really look forward to.  


Dorothee Adam

Profile Dorothee Adam

Studies: Romance Studies, Slavonic Studies, Pedagogy

Functions as a tutor: Tutor

What did I learn from NMUN 2012? NMUN gave me the possibility to discuss diplomatically with ambitious students from all over the world and find a mutual agreement and- to get to know amazing people!

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2013? I wanted to stay in contact with NMUN and hand my enthusiasm on the project to the next delegation.

My motto in life: Maybe the secret of a happy life is not to live, maybe it is to dream your life. (Ivry Gitlis)

Marc Altkrüger

Profile Marc Altkrüger

Studies: Bachelor's Degree in Political and Islamic Science & Master's Degree in Political Science with major in Public Administration

Functions as a tutor: Tutor for Homepage and Social Media

What did I learn from NMUN 2012? The overcharching gain is the development of your character and personality.

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2013? I became tutor for NMUN 2013 for two reasons. Firstly, I want to advance the project and take it to the next level. And not least important I want to pass on the knowledge, passion for the NMUN project.

My motto in life: Be principled!

Daniel F?rtsch

Profile Daniel F?rtsch

Studies: Political Science, Diploma (9th semester) & 2009-2010 Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, OK

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Sponsoring Team

What did I learn from NMUN 2012? The preperation for NMUN as well as the conference itself increased my ability of distinguishing between a person's personality and the interest this person is representing.

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2013? As our delegation profited a lot from the work done by the tutors of our predecessing delegation I wanted to hand on the knowledge we were provided with and accumulated ourselves.

My motto in life: The whole is more than the sum of its parts.


Sebastian Jungkunz

Profile Sebastian Jungkunz

Studies: Political Science, Economics and Business, Diploma (9th semester); Political Science and Business (University of South Carolina)

Functions as a tutor: Tutor for the Finance Team & responsible for the organization of BaMUN

What did I learn from NMUN 2012? "A diplomat is a person who can tell you to go to hell in such a way that you actually look forward to the trip." Besides, there is nothing you cannot achieve as a group, as long as you share the effort, the will and the passion to do so.

Why did I become a Tutor for NMUN 2013? Being a tutor gives you the chance to experience the project from a whole different point of view. Not only do you get to know a new group of people that share the same passion for the project as you do, but you can also pass on some of your knowledge about and your your spirit for NMUN to the new delegation.

My motto in life: What is important in life is life, and not the result of life.

Bj?rn Lojda

Profile Bj?rn Lojda

Studies: Political Science, Master (4th semester)

Functions as a tutor: Mentoring for Head Delegates

What did I learn from NMUN 2012? Preparation is everything & NMUN is a great project where you can meet amazing people!

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2013? Because of the great experience with my fellow delegates which I want to hand on to the next generation.

My motto in life: Life is like riding a bycicle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving. (Albert Einstein)

Antje Treichel

Profile Antje Treichel

Studies: Political Science, Master (4th semester) & Research Assistant at the Chair of International Relations

Functions as a tutor: Tutor for Final Report

What did I learn from NMUN 2012? No matter how large the work load appears to be, I can manage anything.

Why did I become a tutor for NMUN 2013? The project is such a great opportunity for students to get to know the UN and themselves better. I wanted to be part in helping others to develop a great personality and gather a large amount of knowledge.

My motto in life: Dare to live the life you have dreamed for yourself. Go forward and make your dreams come true. (Ralph Waldo Emerson)