Das Betreuerteam 2017/18

Auf dieser Seite stellen sich unser Faculty Advisor und die Tutoren vor, die in den vergangenen Jahren selbst bei NMUN mitgemacht haben und nun noch einmal die Erfahrungen als NMUN-Tutor mitnehmen m?chten. Mit viel Enthusiasmus bereiten sie uns w?chentlich auf unsere gro?e Herausforderung in New York vor. 

Hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Till-Niklas Braun, Jakob Schabus, Paulina Kahl, Marlene Kn?rr, Dennis Pottmeier

Vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: Johannes Geiger, Nina Passlack, Helen Chaudhuri, Philip Lehmann 

Paulina Kahl

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. 188bet亚洲体育备用_188体育平台-投注*官网 (5th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Final Report team, preparation of tutorials, teaching how to hold speeches & Rules of Procedure of a MUN conference, accompanying the trips to Berlin, Erfurt & New York.

Motivation: Being part of the project for the second time offers me the unique possibility to see the progress of the current delegation and to support and teach them in order to make their experience with NMUN as special as my own was last year.

Life Motto: In the end you only regret the things you didn?t do.

Nina Passlack

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. European Economic Studies (6th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Sponsoring Team.

Motivation: For me, NMUN is not only about getting a better understanding of international relations and global politics, but also about developing one's own personalty. Having been part of the delefgation in 2015/16, I enjoyed one of the most exciting and influential semesters of my studies. Now, I would like to share my experiences with this year's delegation.

Life Motto: The world consists of optimists and pessimists. In the end, both are wrong but the optimist lives a happier life. 

Dennis Pottmeier

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Information System (1st Semester)

Organizational team: Tutor of the Finance Delegate. 

Motivation: The participation in the NMUN project was one of the greatest experiences I had. I want to give back and help the new delegation on their way to New York.

Life Motto: What we think, we become.


Johannes Geiger

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. Political Science (2nd Semester)

Function as a tutor: Faculty Advisor

Motivation: Participating in NMUN-Bamberg was one of the most rewarding and enriching experiences of my life. My goal is to provide other students with the same amount of joy, friendship and potential for personal growth that my tutors gave to me.

Life Motto: Always strive to be a better person than the one you were yesterday.


Philip Lehmann

Studies (incl. semester): Research Associate/PhD Candidate 

Function as a tutor: Advising this year?s tutor team and delegation for the challenge ahead. 

Motivation: Involved since 2010 – (short interruption) – can?t stop now!

Life Motto: Stay hungry. Stay foolish. 

Jakob Schabus

Studies: B.A. Political Science (6th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Organizing the BaMUN conference, speech and position paper tutorials, tutoring the press team. 

Motivation: Working together with very different and highly motivated student on issues of international relations is incredibly fascinating. As a delegate, I had the best and most challenging semester of my studies so far. I hope we can give our delegates an equally amazing time and help them to develop as we did.

Life Motto: "I think, therefore I am" – Lukas Podolski


Till-Niklas Braun

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. European Economic Studies (6th Semester) 

Function as a tutor: Organising the resolution writing tutorial, assisting the organisation of BaMUN and whenever it is needed.

Motivation: NMUN is a project that has enriched my personality and gave me direction. I want to support others in finding joy, friendship and challenges. It is a duty of previous delegations to preserve this project and share experiences.

Life Motto: “Watch your thoughts for they become words. Watch your words for they become actions. Watch your actions for they become…habits. Watch your habits, for they become your character. And watch your character, for it becomes your destiny! What we think we become.” (Margaret Thatcher)


Marlene Kn?rr

Studies (incl. semester): M.A. European Economic Studies (5th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Organization of the guest lecture, support of the press team, assisting with simulation conference.

Motivation: Assisting the new delegation in experiencing diplomatic work and debating with people from different cultures and continuing the NMUN tradition at the University of Bamberg.

Life Motto: Never trust a motto.


Prof. Dr. Monika Heupel

Position: Junior Professor for International and European Politics

Function: I teach the seminar “National Model United Nations – How the UN works”

Motivation: When I was a student, I missed the opportunity to be a part of a NMUN delegation. Teaching the seminar now gives me the opportunity to be part of NMUN, albeit in a different position. Plus, I have always been a big fan of the UN, despite its problems and shortcomings. Discussing the UN with students is therefore something I value immensely.  

Helen Chaudhuri

Studies (incl. semester): B.A. Geography (3rd Semester) & B.A. European Economic Studies (9th Semester)

Function as a tutor: Tutoring the Sponsoring Team & assisting whenever it is needed.

Motivation: Each delegation is unique so I try to give advice and share experience in order to see every delegate growing and making their “NMUN-months” as awesome as it was last year.

Life Motto: “Honest disagreements is often a good sign of progress.” – Mahatma Gandhi