Delegation 2015/2016

Delegation 2015/2016 - Republik Türkei



hintere Reihe v.l.n.r.:  (Tutor Fabian Müller), (Tutor Erik J?ger), Samuel Leistner, Fabian Landes, Kai Nitsche, Florian Schwarz, Lukas Neuhaus, (Tutor Maximilian Begovic)

mittlere Riehe v.l.n.r: (Tutorin Christine Hierer), Fabian Schlereth, Martin Schunk, Antonia Koch, Beate Saal, Sebastian Dürr, Tobias Heimhalt, (Tutorin Sviatlana Martinkevich)

vordere Reihe v.l.n.r.: (Tutorin Mareen Esmeier), Julia van Lottum, Petra Fischer, Ena Kulenovic, Saskia Kawczynski, (Tutorin Caroline Seidel)


Die Delegierten

Sebastian Dürr

Studies: Information Systems Management, Master (1st semester)

Organisational team: Finance

Committee: GA 1st  

Motivation: Experience politics that matters to all people.

My motto in life: It is in your moments of decisions that your destiny is shaped.


Petra Fischer

Studies: European Economics Studies, Master (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Head Delegate

Committee: GA 2nd

Motivation: Participating in NMUN offers the great opportunity to combine theoretical and practical knowledge and test it at the final conference. I also hope to get valuable insights into the UN's work. 

My motto in life: Don't look for obstacles in your way, maybe there are none. 

Tobias Heimhalt

Studies: Political Science, Bachelor (2nd semester)

Organisational Team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: GA 3rd

Motivation: NMUN is a great opportunity to experience politics and diplomacy in practice.

My motto in life: Where there's a will, there's a way

Saskia Kawczynski

Studies: Political Science, Bachelor (2nd Semester)

Organisational team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: UNHCR

Motivation: I see the NMUN project as a great opportunity to experience international politics from behind the scenes.

My motto in life: Accept what you cannot change, but have the courage to change what you cannot accept

Antonia Koch

Studies: European Economic Studies, Master (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: UNHCR

Motivation: I'd like to experience something new, get a practical insight into international politics and work together with motivated, inspiring people. 


Ena Kulenovic

Studies: European Economic Studies, Master (3rd Semester)  

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: GA 2nd

Motivation: Being part of the United Nations offers me the opportunity to contribute to a better world. 

My motto in life: It takes courage to grow up and become the person who you really are. 

Fabian Landes

Studies: Political Science, Bachelor (3rd semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: UNEP

Motivation:  NMUN is a golden opportunity to gain insight into the United Nations and to met people from all over the world at the same time. Realizing this project together with such a great team is simply magnificent.

My motto in life: Choose the job you love and you never have to work a day in your life.


Samuel Leistner

Studies: European Economic Studies, Bachelor (3rd semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee: CEIRPP

Motivation: I see NMUN as a once in a lifetime chance to get a real understanding of international politics.

My motto in life: If you see the chance to improve something in our world, you should grab this chance immediately and start changing this world. 

Julia von Lottum

Studies: English and American Studies, Master (2nd semester)

Organisational team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee: FAO

Motivation: With NMUN I can experience international politics together with students from all over the world - that's a unique chance for me.

My motto in life: Do not lose hold of your dreams and aspirations. For if you do, you may still exist, but you have ceased to live.

Lukas Neuhaus

Studies: Governance and International Politics, Master (3rd semester)

Organisational team: Public Relations (Final Report)

Committee: C-34

Motivation: It's a cultural and international experience to meet great people.

My motto in life: Eat well - travel often.

Kai Nitsche

Studies: Political Science, Bachelor (3rd semester)

Organisational team: Public Relations (Internet media)

Committee: UNEP

Motivation: I want to learn a lot by having fun and just keep talking. MNUN provides me with this challenge and I am tempted to try. 

My motto in life: A day without laughter is a lost day (Charlie Chaplin).


Beate Saal

Subject of Studies: Political Science, Bachelor  (4th semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring 

Committee: GA 1st 

Motivation: See all the work in the background which influences everything.

My motto in life: Accept it or change it.

Fabian Schlereth

Studies: Business Administration, Bachelor (5th Semester)

Organisational team: Sponsoring

Committee:  C-34

Motivation: NMUN is a once in a lifetime chance to participate in an international project with over 5000 participants. It is about meeting new people and challenging yourself everyday. 

My motto in life: Your beliefs don't make you a better person, your behavior does. 

Martin Schunk

Studies: English and German, Bachelor (5th Semester)

Organisational team: Public Relations (Press)

Committee:  CEIRPP

Motivation: NMUN is a unique experience to meet people from all over the world and learn about diplomacy and political processes in the UN. 

My motto in life: The only way to do great work is to love what you do (Steve Jobs). 

Florian Schwarz

Studies: European Economic Studies, Bachelor (3rd Semester)

Organisational team: Public Relations (Internet Media)

Committee: FAO

Motivation: I am just looking forward to gain lots of experience, cultural exchange and contacts with young dedicated students from all over the world at NMUN 2015

My motto in life:  Per Aspera ad Astra.