Reading Club Kognitive Systeme (SS 11)
General Information
- For a general course description please read the corresponding pages from from the WIAI module guide.
- You find administrative information at UnivIS.
- Participants should sign up for the course in the virtual campus.
- This course addresses master students and doctoral students.
Topic: Emotion Mining in Images and Text
Emotion mining is a current hot topic with applications in market research, psychology and political sciences. In the seminar course we will review research papers addressing the state-of-the art machine learning techniques for identification of emotions and images and text.
Some references:
Pang, B. & Lee, L. (2008). Opinion mining and sentiment analysis. Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval, 2, 1-2, pp. 1-135.
Ashok Samala and Prasana A. Iyengara (1992). Automatic recognition and analysis of human faces and facial expressions: a survey. Pattern Recognition, 25, 1, 65-77.
Fasel, B. & Luettin, J. (2003). Automatic facial expression analysis: A survey. Pattern Recognition, 36, 259-257.
Reading Club Topics:
(prepared by Peter Grossmann and Robert Pollack, additional attendand: Jens Marshall)
- Opinion Mining and Sentiment Analysis (Pang & Li)
- Sentiment Analysis and Subjectivity
- Automatic facial expression analysis (Fasel & Luettin)
- Facial Affect Recognition in Human-Computer and Human-Robot Interaction
- Modeling Communication with Robots and Virtual Humans
- Multimodal Affect Recognition in Learning Environments
Block Seminar:
- Tobias Scholz: Facial Expression Analysis for Lie Detection
- Tobias Goldbach: Opinion Spam Detection
- Andreas B?hnke: Opinion Mining for Consumer Research
- Umut Yilmaz: Opinion Mining in Politics
Previous Topics
- SS 2010: Aspects of Cognitive Robotics [Archiv Page]
- SS 2009: Reading Club Decision Support Systems [Archiv Page]
- WS 08/09: Algebraic Foundations of Functional Programming (together with Theoretical Computer Science) [Archiv Page]
- SS 2008: Similarity (together with Statistics) [Archiv Page]
- SS 2007: Automated Theorem Proving with Isabelle (together with Theoretical Computer Science) [Archiv Page]
- SS 2006: Support Vector Machines [Archiv Page]