
Voraussetzungen / Organisatorisches

It is not necessary to register for the seminar in advance (e.g. via Flexnow, via email, etc.). More information about the course and registration guidelines will only be provided during the first seminar session. Students should be familiar with the contents of the compulsory lecture “Research design” and multiple linear and binary logistic regression analysis. Moreover, students are required to be familiar with any statistics package of their choice (e.g. Stata, SPSS, R, …) to be able to work on their empirical research. These skills could either be acquired or refreshed in self-studies or by attending a relevant course at the methods chair. Language of instruction: English. Module-related examination: Term paper (time: 3 months); written in English.


Replications are an essential part of science as they fulfil several functions: they allow the validation or rejection of previous results, improve precision, help to find errors or weak spots and can extend internal and external validity. In this seminar, participants will replicate a previous study. After a brief introduction of the theoretical foundations of replications, participants will have the choice to pick a study of their interest and work on the replication during the semester. In regular meetings, participants will present their progress, which will be discussed in the plenary sessions. The sessions include a lab session where students are assisted with their statistical analyses. The final grade depends on the term paper (100%).
Note that this course is partially blocked as there is not a session every week. Meeting dates will be provided during the first seminar session.

Zus?tzliche Informationen

Erwartete Teilnehmerzahl: 20