Teresa Hammerschmidt

Teresa Hammerschmidt (neé Heyder) works as a research associate at the Department of Information Systems and Social Networks at the University of Bamberg since April 2020. In her PhD studies, she specializes in the research field "Future of Work" and she is a member of the project "Social Media Management for SMEs" which is supported by the European Social Fund (ESF).

Before, she worked as a employer branding manager at HUK-COBURG. For example, she was responsible for the further development of the employer brand, the analysis of personnel requirements and target groups as well as the conception and implementation of HRM instruments (e. g. onboarding, recruiting and the employer's social media presence).

She finished her master’s degree in business administration at the University of Bamberg with the focus on HRM and innovation. Her final thesis was about "Conceptual design of a digital platform to increase active citizenship". She completed her bachelor’s degree in insurance management at the University of Applied Sciences in Coburg.

Research Interests

  • Ethical management of human-AI interaction (AI ethics) 
  • Understanding inequalities of human-AI interaction (AI divide)
  • Skills, competencies, knowledge, and requirements for responsible human-AI interaction (AI literacy)
  • Human-AI interaction through the lens of sociomateriality (sociotechnical system theory) 


Teresa Hammerschmidt supports the master's seminar "Project: Online Social Networks" as well as the bachelor's module "Knowledge Management". She also supervises final theses.

Selected Publications

  • Heyder, T., Passlack, N. & Posegga, O. (2023). Ethical management of human-AI interaction: Theory development review. The Journal of Strategic Information Systems (32)3, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jsis.2023.101772
  • Efinger, M.; Eich, X. L., Heck, M.; Nguyen, D. P., ?zlü, H. I.; Heyder, T. & Gloor, P. (2023). Netnography 2.0: A New Approach to Examine Crowds on Social Media. Handbook of Social Computing. 
  • Heyder, T. & Posegga, O. (2021). Extending the foundations of AI literacy. ICIS 2021 Proceedings, 9 (Research-in-Progress), https://aisel.aisnet.org/icis2021/is_future_work/is_future_work/9/
  • Stolz, K., Heyder, T., Gloor, P. A., & Posegga, O. (2019). Measuring Human-Animal Interaction with Smartwatches: An Initial Experiment. Collaborative Innovation Networks. Springer International Publishing, Cham, 165-182.


  • Certificate of the expansion stage university teaching of the Bavarian universities
  • Nomination for the ICIS 2021 Best RIP Award