Y?ld?z A?ar, M.A.


Conference Presentations

  • 02/2024: "'Girl Who Comes Out Fighting': Indigenous Girlhood and Ecological Crisis in Rebecca Roanhorse’s Trail of Lightning and Storm of Locusts." Online Presentation at the "Indigenous Futurisms Workshop with Chelsea Vowel", University of Vienna, Austria.
  • 09/2023: Buffalo Gals, Green Girls, and Somewhere In-Between: Twenty-First Century American Girlhoods in Speculative Adolescent Literature.” Presentation at the Austrian-Bavarian Postgraduate Workshop “American Studies: History, Methods, Prospects”, University of Salzburg, Austria.
  • 06/2023: "Buffalo Gals, Green Girls, and Somewhere In-Between: Twenty-First Century American Girlhoods in Speculative Adolescent Literature.” Presentation at the Ph.D. Course “LIT606 Ecocritical Theory: Literature, Culture and Environment”, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway.
  • 10/2022: “'The White Whale in the Minds of the Superstitiously Inclined': Animals and Superstition in Moby-Dick." Presentation at the 49th Annual Meeting of the Austrian Association for American Studies "Narrative, Environment, Social Justice", University of Salzburg, Austria.