Harrer, S., Lenhard, J.: Betsy - A BPEL Engine Test System
Bamberger Beitr?ge zur Wirtschaftsinformatik und Angewandten Informatik Nr. 90, Bamberg University, July 2012. ISSN 0937-3349. Download(1.1 MB), Bibtex(330.0 B)

Abstract — More than five years have passed since the final release of the long-desired OASIS standard of a process language for web service orchestration, the BPEL. The aim of this standard is to establish a universally accepted orchestration language that forms a core part of current service-oriented architectures and, because of standardisation, avoids vendor lock-in. High expectations, in academia and practice alike, have been set on it. By now, several fully conformant and highly scalable engines should have arrived in the market. The perception of many however, is that standard conformance in current engines is far from given. It is our aim to shed light on this situation. In this study, we present the tool betsy, a BPEL Engine Test System that allows for a fully-automatic assessment of the standard conformance of a given BPEL engine. We use it to examine the five most important open source BPEL engines available today. Betsy comes with a large set of engine-independent conformance test cases for assessing BPEL standard conformance. This enables us to give a view of the state of the art in BPEL support.

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