Lenhard J., Sch?nberger A., Wirtz G.: Streamlining Pattern Support Assessment for Service Composition Languages
Proceedings of the 3rd Central-European Workshop on Services and their Composition (ZEUS), Karlsruhe, Germany, February 21-22, 2011, Download(391.4 KB), Bibtex(719.0 B)

Abstract — Various process modeling formalisms have been leveraged to specify service compositions. For assessing the expressiveness of similar languages and for providing best practice knowledge, patterns have frequently been proposed. However, the pattern catalogs proposed do not all share and document the criteria that were used for assessing pattern support. Furthermore, the scaling of the support measure frequently is very coarse, only providing a basic level of selectivity. This paper proposes an approach that allows for measuring the pattern support for different catalogs in a uniform manner. The selectivity of the support measure is improved by using the edit distance for calculating its degree. The feasibility of the approach is shown by preliminary results of the analysis of selected patterns and orchestration languages.

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