Die aktuelle Delegation 2023/2024

Wir sind die NMUN-Delegation 2023/2024 und freuen uns darauf, Senegal in New York City zu vertreten. Auf dieser Seite finden Sie Informationen zu den diesj?hrigen Delegierten der Universit?t Bamberg.

Die Delegierten

Magnus Wirth

Studies: B.Sc. Political Science

Organizational team: Student Representative

Committee: The United Nations General Assembly Third Committee (GA3)

Motivation: International politics is my core interest within my political science studies and is crucial in shaping my considerations about future career paths. NMUN presents a great opportunity to gain practical experience in expressing positions and interests through diplomacy. Additionally, learning extensively about the UN, enhancing communication skills in English, and having access to exclusive trips to Berlin and Washington D.C. are reasons that make NMUN Bamberg a worthwhile project.


Max Kunzelmann

Studies: B.A. Political Science

Organizational Team: Finance delegate 

Committee: United Nations General Assembly First Committee (GA1)

Motivation: As international relations have existential effects on countless innocent lives, I am slightly apprehensive but highly interested in them. By participating in NMUN, I aim to learn how diplomacy works in practice and how I can contribute to the solution of global problems. This project will certainly be a challenge, but I am genuinely looking forward to tackling it with interesting people from all over the world.


Nico Braun

Studies: Political Science and German Studies with a school-based focus  

Organizational Team: Website Team

Committee: United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA)

Motivation: What motivates me is the opportunity to peek behind the curtains of the UN. I want to gain a sense of how challenging it can be to develop a common solution from diverse points of view. It is important for me to enhance my communication and interaction skills. Additionally, I would like to acquire the ability to find a compromise in situations where mediating between different opinions is necessary.

Kai Markert

Studies:  B.A. Political Science 

Organizational Team: Final Report Team

Committee: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Motivation: The United Nations, as an organization, holds a distinct ambivalence for me: so much ambition in crafting a better world and yet so much unfulfilled potential. Joining NMUN is the closest one can get to experiencing and understanding the real intricacies and complexities of the organization. Meeting like-minded individuals from all over the world and creating unforgettable memories is, of course, the cherry on top.

Paul Jonas Rieger

Studies: B.A. Political Science

Organizational Team: Final Report Team 

Committee: United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC)

Motivation: The NMUN Project enables me to apply theoretical knowledge to practical diplomacy, enhancing my communication and negotiation skills while broadening my perspective on global issues. The practical aspects of NMUN provide a perfect opportunity to interact with people from all over the world, exchanging cultures and world views. I am delighted to be a part of this great project. 

Xiaoyu Fan

Studies: M.A. Literature and Media 

Organizational Team: After Movie Team

Committee: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR)

Motivation: To enhance my English proficiency and broaden my perspectives, I aim to approach political issues from diverse viewpoints. I eagerly look forward to experiencing the intersection of various cultures and fostering a profound comprehension of global dynamics. Additionally, I aspire to build friendships across diverse cultural backgrounds and master the art of representing a nation, thereby improving my public speaking skills.

Miriam Büttner

Studies: M.A. International Business Administration

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team

Committee: United Nations General Assembly Second Committee (GA2)

Motivation: It is NMUN that allows me to explore some of the most pressing global issues. Additionally, NMUN allows me to gain a deeper understanding of the UN and develop the skills required in today’s international environment. Navigating the challenges of NMUN helps me to grow both personally and professionally. Being part of the NMUN Delegation is undoubtedly a once-in-a-lifetime experience. 

Jasinta Then

Studies: M.A. Strategic Communication 

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team

Committee: UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW)

Motivation: I found NMUN to be really interesting, so I applied just to challenge myself. I didn’t believe that I had any chance of being selected. I wanted to be part of the project because I desired to learn more about the UN and global politics, especially international diplomacy. Additionally, I aimed to improve my English skills and have the opportunity to travel to the USA, as I had never been there before.

Ali Haider

Studies: M.A. International System Software Science 

Organizational Team: Sponsoring Team 

Committee: United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)

Motivation: I aim to educate myself on how the United Nations functions and develop an understanding of cross-cultural and diplomatic skills. NMUN Bamberg offers a unique platform for me to contribute my perspectives, collaborate with diverse minds, and learn to develop practical solutions to real-world challenges. This project plays a significant role in my professional development, fostering valuable, long-term friendships and paving the way for a fruitful career.

Felix Klemm

Studies: M.A. Political Science

Organizational Team: LinkedIn Team 

Committee: International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)

Motivation: Experiencing the work of the United Nations offers the broadest exposure to politics one can attain. To learn about it firsthand, and not only within the confines of a university, is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. I am convinced that this project will also provide me with a glimpse behind the curtains of international relations. Consequently, I will be able to sharpen my understanding of negotiating and arguing about issues that impact the entire world.