Lehrbeauftragte im Wintersemester 2024/25

Hier finden Sie Informationen zu den Lehrbeauftragten, die im Wintersemester 2024/25 im Bereich Kommunikationswissenschaft t?tig sind.

  • Oliver Fischer
    Born 1984 in Nuremberg. Studied German language and literature with a focus on journalism, as well as sociology and modern history at the University of Bamberg from 2004©\2009; various freelance jobs in local journalism. Worked in the press office of DATEV eG in 2008©\2009; 2010©\2015 in the German office of the British PR agency Johnson King; 2015©\2018 he was Head of Technology PR, 2018©\2023 Managing Director for the German market at the international marketing agency Finn Partners; since the end of 2023 Head of Marketing DACH for the Dutch HR software and service provider Effectory..
  • Dustin Hemmerlein
    Dustin Hemmerlein studied History and Communication Science, researching everything from the history of elephants in medieval Europe to the coverage of the war in Donbas by international media outlets. Before taking his position as a news reporter at DW News, he worked in print reporting, print layout, video production, and documentary filmmaking. He also teaches video production and journalism.