
Registration for the conference is open from 15 February to 15 April 2022.

Conference fee (regular): Includes entrance to the conference, conference material, all coffee breaks and lunches (Thursday to Saturday)110€

Conference fee (students): Includes entrance to the conference, conference material, all coffee breaks and lunches (Thursday to Saturday)

Please note: Proof of immatriculation to be provided via e-mail

Conference celebration: Includes buffet dinner and non-alcoholic drinks on Friday evening40€

Please use the following bank details:

PayeeStaatsoberkasse Landshut
BankDeutsche Bundesbank, Filiale Regensburg
IBANDE 8475 0000 0000 7430 1530
Reference (imperative!)1526.0179.0176 Uni Bamberg / Name of delegate

Please note: As the conference fee also covers coffee breaks and lunches, we must ask all attendees to pay the even, even if they do not present any papers.

Please note: It is our policy to not offer any refunds.