Sociolinguistics of Pop Culture

(Note: This list with your name and institutional affiliation(s) will only be used for this conference and will be included in the conference folders for all participants of the conference.)

I hereby register for the conference Sociolinguistics of Pop Culture, held from 30 to 31 March 2023 at the University of Bamberg, Germany.

Conference Registration Regulations

1. Payment of Conference Fees

Fees include registration, conference packs, coffee breaks, lunches and the reception on Thursday. Your registration can only be processed if payment is received within two weeks after your registration.

Registration Fees:

  • Early Bird Registration (01 March ¨C 31 May 2019):
    • Regular: 150 €
    • Student (including PhD students): 75 €
  • Late Registration (01 June ¨C 31 July 2019):
    • Regular: 200 €
    • Student (including PhD students): 100 €
  • On-Site Registration:
    • Regular: 250 €
    • Student (including PhD students): 175 €
  • Conference Dinner: 40 €
  • Guided City Tour: 5 €
  • Beer Tasting: 30 €


Please make your payment (registration fee plus fees for selected options, i.e. conference dinner/city tour/beer tasting/post-conference trip) to the following account by bank transfer:

Beneficiary: Staatsoberkasse Bayern, Landshut
Bank: Deutsche Bundesbank Filiale Regensburg
IBAN: DE84 7500 0000 0074 3015 30
Purpose of the transfer: 1526.0170.4572/Last name, first name

2. Photographs

By registering for this conference you agree to have photos taken at the event to be published on our conference website. Upon your request, we will immediately remove individual photos.

Changes in the Programme
The organisers reserve a right to modify the list of speakers and/or the programme for reasons beyond their control.

Data Protection
Your personal data will only be used for this conference. Without your knowledge and consent, personal data shall not be transferred to any other data administrators.