Information on the project
Name: BaTEG – Bamberg Teacher Education for a Global World
Duration BaTEG I: 01.09.2019 - 31.12.2022
Duration BaTEG II: 01.01.2023 - 31.12.2024
Funded by: Lehramt.International, DAAD
Name: BaTEGS – Bamberg Teacher Education for a Global and Sustainable World
Duration BaTEGS: 01.01.2024 - 31.12.2029
Funded by: Lehramt.International, DAAD
Project lead and coordination
Prof. Dr. Konstantin Lindner
Project lead
0951 / 863 - 1744
Dr. Johannes Weber
Project lead
0951 / 863 - 3028
Martina Zier
Project manager
0951 / 863 - 3191
Since August 2019, the Centre for Teacher Education Bamberg (ZLB) has been participating in the Lehramt.international programme of the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) and, with BaTEG, has one of almost 40 projects across Germany aiming to internationalise teacher training and increase the mobility of student teachers. Following the successful completion of the BaTEG I project in December 2022, BaTEG was extended until the end of December 2024 and succeeded in promoting the intercultural skills of student teachers, thus preparing them for teaching in diverse classrooms and a global world.
With a further extension in January 2025, BaTEG will become BaTEGS: Bamberg Teacher Education for a Global and Sustainable World. This will add a sustainability perspective to the global approach.