Guest lectures

In cooperation with the faculties and departments involved in teacher education, BaTEG offers international guest lectures on a wide range of topics addressing future teachers.


20/01/2023, 10:15 – 11:25, Zoom

Dr. Sabine Zelger, University of Vienna: Aus der imperialen Lebensweise hinausschreiben? Erproben und reflektieren f?cherintegrativer Schreibverfahren im Unterricht.


15/05./023, 10:00-11:00, LU19/00.09 and Zoom

Dr. Karen M. Ludke, Edge Hill University: On the European Music Portfolio.


22/05/2023, 10:00-11:00, LU19/00.09 und Zoom

Paola Mannarelli, Universit?t Barcelona: On vocabulary and songs in language learning.


30/05/2023, 9.00 - 15.30, K?7/00.49 CANCELLED

Laura Oberle und Ronja Baginski (Universit?t Mannheim): Social Simulation: Die Zukunft der Welt in den eigenen H?nden!


20/06/2023, 08:15, Zoom

Inkeri Rissanen, Universit?t Tampere: Religious Education in Finland – Concepts and Perspectives in the Context of a pluralized world.


29/06/2023, TBA

Dr. Graham McGeoch, Faculdade Unida, Vitória: A Theology of the City in the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro.



Dr. Katrin R?der, HU Berlin: Disability- and Mental-Distress-Related Life Storying and Its Use in the Classroom.


04/07/2023, TBA

Maribel Montero Perez, Universit?t Gent: Audio-visual input in language learning.


06/07/2022, 8:00 - 10:00, U2/00.25

Dr. Louis Ndekha, University of Malawi: EDUCATION FOR ALL: The Role of Religion in the Quest for Educational Equity in Malawi.

Previous guest lectures 

Guest lectures in 2022

3/11/2022, 8:30am, Zoom

Dr. Lenka Garshol (Agder, Norway)(Digital) games as tool for learning and assessment


08/11/2022, 7pm, Zoom

Prof. Dr. Lukas Meyer (University of Graz, Austria): Individuelle (politische) Verantwortung für den Klimawandel


02/12/2022, 3-4:40pm, Zoom/ K?7/00.14

Dr. Anthony C. Ogden (Gateway International Group): International education and the making of global citizens


05/12/2022, 10:15-11:45am, Zoom/An der Universit?t 5, 00.24

Prof. Dr. Magali do Nascimento Cunha (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil): Growing fundamentalisms – the evangelical churches and their influence on politics in Brazil



Antje Schraberger (University of Graz, Austria): ?Die fürsorgliche Schreiberin. Fehler- und korrekturanalytische Studie zur ?berlieferungsstrategie der sp?tmittelalterlichen Lohnschreiberin Clara H?tzlerin im Lichte ihrer Reproduktion von Münsingers Falkenbuch“



In the context of our international BaTEG month and in cooperation with the faculties and departments involved in teacher education, we offered international guest lectures on a wide range of topics adressing future teachers.



Prof Dr Lenka Garshol (University of Agder): Learner corpora as tools in language teaching and learning



Dr Rod Neilsen (Deakin University): New trends in pedagogical grammar: An Australian perspective



Dr Maria Juen (University of Innsbruck): Religionsunterricht und Ethikunterricht in ?sterreich. Herausforderungen und Perspektiven



Prof Dr Sarah Mercer (University of Graz): Teacher mental health matters: Understanding the ecology of teacher wellbeing



Prof Dr Gunther Kaltenb?ck (University of Graz): Discourse Grammar: Exploring a dualistic approach to language and cognition



MMag.a Cathrin Reisenauer (Institut für LehrerInnenbildung und Schulforschung; Leopold-Franzens-Universit?t Innsbruck):  Realit?t, steiniger Weg oder Vision? Schule und Inklusion in ?sterreich“



Prof Dr Jan Grünwald (Universit?t Mozarteum Salzburg/ LFU Innsbruck): Versammlung der Bilder


In December 2020, BaTEG gave teaching staff the opportunity to invite guest lecturers from all over the world to their seminars, thus allowing students to make international experiences even in times of Covid-19 and online teaching.

The following lectures were held:

Dr. Nadia Bader, Fachhochschule Nordwestschweiz, Switzerland

Reflexionskompetenz und Praxistheorie: ?ber komplexe Wechselwirkungen zwischen kommunikativen und gestalterischen (zeichnerischen) Aspekten in Lehr-Lern-Prozessen im Kunstunterricht


Denise Angelo, Australian National University, Australia

Working with students and community members on pathways to recognition for their languages


Dr. Amy C. Chambers, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

If She Can See It, She Can Be It: Women, Science, and Screens


Dr. Alexander Fischer, Universit?t Basel, Switzerland

Sigmund Freud und die Philosophische Anthropologie


Bernadett Settele, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste, Switzerland

Bildung in Performance. Kollektive ?sthetische Situationen als Ausgangspunkt für Bildungsprozesse


Prof. Dr. Hans Gutbrod, Tbilisi University, Georgia

Den moralischen Nebel lichten - Berg-Karabach, der gerechte Krieg und die Frage nach politischen Vers?hnungen


Prof. Dr. Markus Stock, University of Toronto, Canada

Die neue Online-Ausgabe der Lieder Burkhards von Hohenfels und ihre Bedeutung für die interaktive Lehre