Seminar Day 2024

This year's seminar day will take place on
5 July 2024, 9 am - 12:45 pm on Zoom
under the heading

"School life around the globe".

In addition to an exciting selection of countries in Asia and Europe, this year's programme also provides an info session on internship opportunities abroad with information from the organising universities and a Q&A session with students who have already gained teaching experience abroad.
You can find the programme here.(194.7 KB)

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BaTEG seminar days

Seminar Day 2024


Our next seminar day takes place on

05/07/2024, 9am - 12-45 pm on Zoom

and focusses on

"School life around the globe"

Join us for insights into every-school life in Asia and Europe and explore opportunities to gain teaching experience abroad...


The final programme will be published here shortly.

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Past seminar days

School systems around the world 2023


Seminar Day Report: School Systems Around the World 2023

Date: July 7, 2023, 9am-2.30pm

The seminar on school systems around the world was held online on Friday, July 7th, 2023, as part of the University of Bamberg's International Week, which placed a special emphasis on educational equity. This seminar day marked the fourth edition of the event, but it was the first time that the Universities of Cologne and Bamberg collaborated to offer it, signifying a further milestone in the partnership between the projects UNITE, led by the University of Cologne, and BaTEG, led by the University of Bamberg.

The audience in attendance – students, university staff members and school teachers - represented a wide range of countries, including India, Switzerland, Germany, Indonesia, Namibia, Norway, and Poland. This diverse mix of participants enriched the discussions and allowed for a truly global perspective on school systems and educational equity.

The seminar commenced with a warm welcome from Dr. Jan Springob from the University of Cologne and Martina Zier from the University of Bamberg as well as an introductory talk by Martina Zier on teacher reputation across the globe and its implications for educational equity.

The seminar then transitioned to the first session, which focused on the educational landscape in Africa. CEO Werner Cloete from the Calling Academy in South Africa provided valuable insights into the education system in South Africa, addressing the challenges faced by the country's education sector and proposing solutions for improving the quality of education by introducing the concept of his own school. Following Werner Cloete, John Tombola, MA in Educational Quality, presented on education and equity in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. His enlightening talk highlighted the obstacles faced by the Congolese education system in achieving equal opportunities for all students. The session concluded with an engaging question and answer session.

After a brief coffee break, the seminar resumed with a focus on Europe. Dr. Jakub Przyby? from UAM Poznań explored the strengths and challenges of the Polish education system and their impact on language learning opportunities for students. Dr. Robert Craig from the University of Bamberg then took the stage to examine the British school system and the issue of entrenched inequity. His thought-provoking presentation raised important questions about the fairness and accessibility of education in the UK. Natascha Haarstick from the Stephen Hawking School inNeckargemünd completed the European section with valuable insights into teaching at a German school that promotes inclusivity and equal opportunities. The session concluded with a discussion on the status of educational equity in Europe. Speakers and audience actively participated in the discussion, sharing their perspectives and engaging with each other on the challenges and potential solutions for achieving educational equity.

Following a lunch break, the seminar day moved on to explore school systems in America and Asia. Nicholas Peterson from the University of Bamberg provided an overview of the challenges of pluralism in the United States' educational system, highlighting the diverse cultural and societal factors influencing education. Christian Rabl from the University of Cologne then discussed the educational system in Indonesia, shedding light on the unique characteristics and challenges faced by the Indonesian education system.

Carlos Solis from Universidad de Guadalajara concluded the last section with an exploration of the educational system in Mexico. His presentation provided valuable insights into the question of diversity.

Finally, the seminar came to a close with a last Q&A session, followed by wrap-up session, in which Christian Rabl and Martina Zier expressed their gratitude to the speakers as well as the participants for their presence and highlighted the importance of understanding different school systems in the pursuit of educational growth and equity.

The seminar proved to be an enriching platform for participants to gain a deeper understanding of school systems worldwide, engage in meaningful discussions on educational equity and inclusivity, broaden their perspectives, and exchange knowledge.

Click here (346.1 KB)to see the programme.

School Systems Worldwide 2022

Our seminar day 2022 took place during the university’s international week in July (report(303.7 KB)).

July 7th, 9 am – 3 pm on-campus and on Zoom

Countries: Malawi, UK, Bangladesh, Norway, India, France, Ukraine

Programme: here(431.7 KB)

School Systems Worldwide 2021

Dec 3rd, 9 am – 4 pm on Zoom

Countries: Philippines, China, Finland, Latvia, UK, Israel, Turkey, Iran

Programme: here(495.6 KB)

School Systems Worldwide 2020

Dec 11th, 9 am – 4 pm on Zoom

Countries: Australia, Japan, Cameroon, Canada, Switzerland, Sweden, Afghanistan, Kurdistan Region of Iraq, Egypt

Programme: here(7.2 MB, 2 pages)