Lennart P?tz (M.Sc.)


Markusplatz 3, Room M3/01.20
Tel.: +49 951 863 1740
Fax: +49 951 863 2049
E-Mail: lennart.poetz(at)uni-bamberg.de


Consultation hour

By appointment per e-mail.

Short bio

Lennart P?tz is a PhD candidate at the Professorship of Work and Organizational Psychology of the University of Bamberg. He researches leadership and leader well-being and investigates these associations with the help of day- and week-level studies.

From October 2019 to September 2022 he worked as a research assistant at the Professorship of Work and Organizational Psychology of the University of Bamberg. Currently, he is working in personnel and organizational development at uniVersa insurance in Nuremberg.

Lennart studied psychology at the universities of Trier (Bachelor’s degree) and Bamberg (Master’s degree) and specialized in personnel selection, personnel development, and health at work.