New publication on Daily Leadership Dynamics and Well-being

In a recent study involving 289 leaders, Lennart P?tz and Judith Volmer investigated how daily leadership behaviors impact the well-being of leaders. Based on the Conservation of Resources Theory, the research focused on understanding the variations in different leadership styles on a daily basis, known as daily leadership profiles, and how these profiles change over the course of a week.

Results from the five-day diary study revealed three qualitatively distinct daily leadership profiles: passive behaviors, transformational-rewarding behaviors, and a profile characterized by both transformational and transactional behaviors (comprehensive). The transformational-rewarding profile demonstrated the most beneficial impact on the well-being of leaders. In contrast, the comprehensive profile appeared to be a double-edged sword. While associated with higher experienced thriving and positive affect, it was also linked to heightened time pressure, emotional exhaustion, and negative affect.

Read the full study here.