Exchange programs

The University of Bamberg maintains exchange programs with meanwhile more than 260 partner universities in 60 countries. These are arranged through the International Office (AAA).

Students of Business Information Systems, IISM and WiP?d/WI can choose from all the programs that are listed in the brochures and websites of the AAA as "WIAI", "Students of all subjects" or "Students of Business Administration". For students of Applied Computer Science and Software Systems Science the exchange programs for "students of all subjects", "students of Business Informatics and Applied Computer Science" are eligible. At the moment, the majority of the programs are oriented towards economics. This means that students who specialize in business courses while studying abroad have a wider choice of partner universities. For Applied Computer Science and Software Systems Science new partner universities have recently been added. The range of courses on offer is being continuously expanded.

The selection should be based on the student's own educational goals and the appropriate range of courses at the foreign institution. Not every university is equally suitable for every field of study and focus. Here, however, it is important to keep an open mind, because: "Why travel abroad when I can attend the same lectures there as I could listen to in Bamberg?” Still, choosing a university that doesn’t offer transferable modules to your course of studies may result less helpful. If you are seriously considering a stay abroad, you should also be prepared to put up with the effort of organizing it and possibly even a somewhat longer study period at home. It is worth it!

Where were our students already?

During the last years WIAI students have been guests at the following universities or have completed internships at the following companies:

Show Exchange schools on map

Further possibilities

In addition to this selection of possibilities, you can obtain further information, e.g. on overseas programmes and European programmes, from the International Office.

Many students also apply on their own initiative and as self-payers directly to the universities of their choice abroad. As a WIAI-Scout you can explore new ways for your fellow students!