Coaching Workshops

Workshop "Career development in IT - What does agility mean?" on 24.01.2020

Career development in IT - What does agility mean? The project coaching network "CoachNet" organised a workshop on this topic on 24.01.20.

The participants dealt with the question of what agility means and which values they can use to achieve their goal.

Workshop Report 
Flyer(704.1 KB, 2 pages)

Workshop "Communication strategies: how to succeed when starting a career" on 01.02.2019

On 01.02.2019, a workshop on the topic of "Communication strategies: how to succeed in starting a career" was organised as part of the "CoachNet" project.

Workshop Report
Flyer(581.6 KB, 2 pages)

Workshop "Finding and developing one's own strengths" on 27.04.2018

The project coaching network "CoachNet" organised a workshop on 27 April 2018 on the topic of "Finding and developing one's own strengths".

Among other things, the participants learned how to discover their personal strengths and develop strategies that assist them in positioning themselves professionally.

Workshop Report
Flyer(582.9 KB, 2 pages)

Workshop "Steps to professional self-marketing" on 16.11.2017

As part of the coaching network project "CoachNet", a lecture followed by a workshop on "Steps to professional self-marketing" took place on 16 November 2017. Ms F?rtsch reports on the day.

Workshop Report
Flyer(759.1 KB, 2 pages)