Volkswagen Foundation funds cooperative Research Projects in Sub-Saharan Africa

This funding initiative aims at extending and strengthening research in the regions of Sub-Saharan Africa. Research projects, developed and carried out by African scholars and scientists in close cooperation with their German partners, shall provide junior researchers in Africa with an opportunity to enhance their skills and academic qualifications.

Special emphasis is put on the development, reinforcement, and extension of academic networks inside Africa beyond existing language barriers.

The foundation offers the following schemes:

a) Postdoctoral Fellowships for research in the Social Sciences in Sub-Saharan as well as North Africa for researchers who are currently based in Africa or wish to return there. Deadline for pre-poposals: 27th June 2014.

Further informations:

b.) Funding for Workshops, Symposia and Summer Schools in Africa

Applications will only be accepted for processing after previous consultation with the respective contact person.

Further information: