Semester fee

The semester fee at the University of Bamberg is currently €113.80. You can find more detailed information here.

The semester fee is composed as follows:
Student union fee: 70€
Semester ticket: 43,80€

Discounted student ticket

As a student at the University of Bamberg, you only pay €21.70 per month for the €49 ticket. You have to buy the ticket from VGN and make sure that you also select the discounted student ticket. Then just log in with your university account and you're done!

Campus university - or not?

The University of Bamberg is divided into a total of 4 faculties. Two of them, namely Social Sciences and Economics (SoWi) and Information Systems and Applied Computer Science (WIAI), are primarily located in one building. For the SoWi this is the building at Feldkirchenstra?e 21 (also known as Feki), for the WIAI this is the ERBA (on Erba Island).
The Faculties of Humanities and Cultural Studies (GuK) and Human Sciences (Huwi) are located in the city center.
When looking for accommodation, please note which faculty you are studying at and where you have to go.

Create timetables

You can always find out how to create your own timetables in your EETs. So don't stress if you don't have a timetable until shortly before the start - this is normal. If you are unable to attend your EETs, get in touch with your respective student council, which belongs to the faculty, as soon as possible.

Student council SoWi: fachschaft-sowi.stuve(at)

Student council WIAI: fachschaft-wiai.stuve(at)

Student council Huwi: fachschaft-huwi.stuve(at)

Student Council GuK: fachschaft-guk.stuve(at)