
My research focusses on questions of economic and social disadvantage and the integration of refugees and other immigrants. Conceptually, I combine economic and sociological labour market and migration theories to investigate the role of individual resources (e.g. human capital, social capital) and institutions (at national and local level) for central areas of immigrants' lives (work, language acquisition, health, family, social networks). On an empirical level, I work with large-scale surveys using longitudinal and (quasi-)experimental research designs as well as international comparative analyses.

I also use my expertise to provide scientifically sound policy advice in Germany and abroad. Effective evidence-based policy advice naturally requires high-quality data. In this context, another research focus is on the development of methods to improve the quality of social science data.

My work is published in the form of peer-reviewed journal articles, book chapters, research and policy reports. I also co-edit edited volumes and edited volumes in peer-reviewed journals.

I am a member of several professional organisations and international research networks.

Selected research projects

  • Panel on return and circular migration (Project duration:2023-2029). Return and onward migration raise numerous new research questions that are of high political, social and socio-economic relevance. However, existing data on return migration is sparse and contradictory, which makes a precise analysis difficult. In the project, a survey of emigrants is developed with which questions on return migration and circular migration can be addressed.
  • Seeing your religion - Regional variation of diskrimination and racism towards muslims on the German labor market (Project duration: 2022-2024). The project is part of the Research Association on Discrimination and Racism (FoDiRa) of the DeZIM research community and is funded by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSJ). The project analyses the role of employers and regional factors in explaining specific disadvantages faced by Muslims from an intersectional perspective.
  • Survey of Ukrainian refugees 2022 (Project duration: 2022-2024).Building on the IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey of refugees, the IAB is conducting a register-based longitudinal survey of Ukrainian refugees together with the BiB, the BAMF and the SOEP from mid-2022. This representative survey will provide information on the refugee history, education, employment and income situation, health status and various networks of Ukrainian refugees in Germany. In addition, the persons willing to be interviewed will be transferred to the IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey of refugees in 2023, which will enable a comparison between different groups of refugees. A supplementary link with the Integrated Employment Biographies (IEB) of the IAB creates a long-term basis for analysing Ukrainian refugees.
  • SUARE: Longitudinal Study of Ukrainian Refugees(DFG, Project duration: 2023-2026). The project establishes the data infrastructure building on the survey instruments developed in the IAB-BAMF-SOEP survey of refugees. At the same time, it conducts its own research on key issues related to flight from Ukraine and the social and structural integration of refugees from Ukraine. I am co-PI together with Herbert Brücker (IAB, BIM, HU), Stefan Liebig (DIW), and Sabine Zinn (DIW).
  • Naturalization intentions of immigrants and refugees in Germany (Research collaboration with Andreas Damelang, FAU; Project duration: 2021-2023). Using an experimental vignette design, inserted into the IAB-SOEP migration sample and the IAB-BAMF-SOEP sample of refugees, this project investigates to what extent and to what extent the institutional framework of the naturalization process structures the naturalization intentions of different groups of immigrants in Germany. In light of the coalition agreement to liberalize legal provisions (such as shortening the waiting period and allowing dual citizenship), the project is particularly relevant for policymakers.
  • Peculiarities of refugee integration(Research collaboration with Agnieszka Kanas, Erasmus University, Frank van Tubergen, Utrecht University; Project duration: 2022-2025). This project focuses in particular on largely overlooked aspects related to lengthy asylum procedures, religiosity, and self-identification and sense of belonging.

The research questions in my ongoing projects address current problems in migration and integration research. The projects also have a strong interdisciplinary character and establish mutual references, especially between sociology and economics. National and international cooperation with leading migration researchers, innovative analyses with Big Data, as well as cross-national comparative research designs increase the scientific competitiveness of the IAB. Longer-term cooperative relationships with university and non-university research institutions in Germany and abroad promote IAB’s internationalization efforts.

Current list of publications