Josefine Dehn, M.A.

Research associate, DFG-funded project B10 Armed Conflict and Dynamics of Social Policy of the CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy (2022-2025)


Feldkirchenstra?e 21, F21/03.20

96045 Bamberg

Tel.: 0951-863 3035

Mail: josefine.dehn(at)

Research interests

Social policy and welfare state from a comparative, global and historical perspective, especially the impacts of (civil) war and colonialism in countries of the Global South (in particular: Sub-Sahara Africa and Latin America)

CV (short)

Since 08/2022: Research associate and doctoral candidate, project B10 Armed Conflict and Dynamics of Social Policy of the CRC 1342 Global Dynamics of Social Policy (2022-2025) (principal investigators of B10: Prof. Dr. Carina Schmitt (University of Bamberg) und Prof. Dr. Herbert Obinger (University of Bremen))

2020 – 2022: Research assistant, ERC-funded project The Legacy of Colonialism: Origins and Outcomes of Social Protection (COLSOC), principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Carina Schmitt

2019 – 2022: M.A. Social Policy, University of Bremen

Title of the master’s thesis: Social Security Against All Odds? The Introduction of a Work Injury Protection Scheme in Colonial French West Africa During the Interwar Period

2018 – 2019: Research assistant, Prof. Dr. Arndt Wonka (University of Bremen)

2015 – 2019: B.A. Political Science (Major) and Economics (Minor), University of Bremen

Title of the bachelor’s thesis: Impacts of the Euro-Crisis on Old-age Protection since 2010: A Comparison of Senegal and Zambia

2015 – 2022: Scholarship holder, awarded by the Friedrich Ebert Foundation


Dehn, Josefine. 2021. The Health Care System in Senegal. CRC 1342 Social Policy Country Briefs No. 11. Bremen: CRC 1342.