Kolb, S., R?ck, C.: Unified Cloud Application Management
Proceedings of the 12th IEEE World Congress on Services, San Francisco, USA, June 27 - July 2, 2016.

Abstract—From its early stages, cloud computing has evolved from being a principal source for computing resources to a fully fledged alternative for rapid application deployment. Especially the service model Platform as a Service facilitates the hosting of scalable applications in the cloud by providing managed and highly automated application environments. Although most offerings are conceptually comparable to each other, the interfaces for application deployment and management vary greatly between vendors. Despite providing similar functionalities, technically different workflows and commands provoke vendor lock-in and hinder portability as well as interoperability. To that end, we present a unified interface for application deployment and management among cloud platforms. We validate our proposal with a reference implementation targeting four leading cloud platforms. The results show the feasibility of our approach and promote the possibility of portable DevOps scenarios in PaaS environments.

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