National Model United Nations (NMUN) is the largest, most prestigious and longest-running university-based Model UN conference. Its goal is to promote understanding of the United Nations and global issues through educational programs that focus on collaboration and cooperative conflict resolution on a global scale. NMUN's vision is a world of civically engaged people working for peaceful, multilateral conflict resolution and equitable, sustainable human development.

NMUN's hands-on, experiential learning approach allows students to engage with various issues from the perspective of their assigned country. Through preparation and committee meetings, students learn to understand different points of view, overcome negotiation challenges, reap the benefits of collaboration, broaden their worldview, and understand the social aspect of international relations and diplomacy. Participants apply theoretical knowledge of international relations and the UN system in a practical setting and develop transferable skills such as leadership, negotiation, collaboration, public speaking, research and technical writing. They also develop a sense of responsibility for global issues and improve their understanding of international structures and diplomatic challenges. Since 1982, NMUN has been formally affiliated with the United Nations Department of Global Communications as a recognized non-governmental organization (NGO).

Numerous conference speakers have been prominent UN representatives, including Secretaries-General Ban Ki-moon, Kofi Annan, Boutros Boutros-Ghali and Kurt Waldheim, as well as Deputy Secretaries-General Amina J. Mohammed and Jan Eliasson.

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