The new delegation 2019/2020

We are the NMUN Delegation 2019/2020, and we are honoured to represent the Republic of Uganda in New York City. On this page, you will find out more about the delegates of the University of Bamberg.

The Delegates

Hannah O'Neill

Date of birth: 01 May 1998

Studies: B. A. Political Science (5th semester)

Organizational team: Head Delegate

Committee: High Commissioner for Refugees

Motivation: I joined the NMUN project because I want to learn more about the UN as well as the history, structure and functioning of the organization. Furthermore, I want to improve my soft skills, learn about negotiation methods and work together with a highly motivated team. And lastly, I am definitely excited about travelling and meeting experts on the UN and international politics.

Life Motto: Teamwork makes the dream work.

Johann Stumptner

Date of birth: 29 January 1995

Studies: B. A. Philosophy & B. A. Political Science (4th & 7th semester)

Organizational Team: Finance

Committee:High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Motivation: Apart from getting a first-hand insight into international diplomacy and decision-making within the United Nations NMUN offers the great opportunity to meet inspiring people from all over the world who are motivated to work together on the pressing issues of our time.

Life Motto: "The philosophers have only interpreted the world in various ways; the point, however, is to change it." - Karl Marx

Amir Abo Shawish

Date of birth: 8 November 1997

Studies: B. A. Political Science (6th semester)

Organizational Team: Final Report

Committee:Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Motivation: Challenging myself.

Life Motto: -

Anja Brenner

Date of birth: 17 December 1997

Studies: B. A. Communication Studies & Anglistics (3rd semester)

Organizational Team: Final Report

Committee:United Nations High-level Political Forum on Sustainable Development

Motivation: I like to try new things that are outside my comfort zone. I find these activities tend to be the most challenging and at the same time most rewarding. Why NMUN? The concept of getting to know the processes and intricacies of the UN is fascinating. You don?t just get a bunch of facts but actually get to work as part of the (simulated) organization.

Life Motto: Blessed are the curious for they shall have adventures!

Bastian Daniel Heindrichs

Date of birth: 3 January 1986

Studies: M. A. Sociology (2nd semester)

Organizational Team: Social Media

Committee:General Assembly: Third Committee - Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues

Motivation: Get to know how high-level politics work and how the “small” ones can make a difference there.

Life Motto: There are no mistakes, just wonderful opportunities to learn.

Jonas Herbst

Date of birth: 14 July 1996

Studies: M. Sc. International Business Administration & B. A. Philosophy and Protestant Theology (1st & 3rd semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: United Nations Environment Assembly

Motivation: Only through unified international action can problems such as climate change, human rights violations and child labour be tackled successfully in long term. Through my participation in NMUN I would like to actively contribute to this strengthening and improvement of the underlying mutual understanding. For me, this is the first step into a better world.

Life Motto: " What would it be like if everybody just said ‘what would it be like’ and nobody went to actually see what it would be like if we went" - Kurt Marti

Valentina Jüngert

Date of birth: 9 June 1996

Studies: B. A. European Economic Studies (6th semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees

Motivation: I am happy to gain an insight on international diplomacy, international relations and how political exchanges and decision making actually work. Representing countries that differ from your own cultural background to a great extant is a whole new experience and challenge and great to be going through with an amazing team.

Life Motto: “Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”- Mahatma Gandhi

Nicolas Klas

Date of birth: 4 November 1996

Studies: B. A. European Economic Studies (5th semester)

Organizational Team: Social Media

Committee:General Assembly: Second Committee - Economic and Financial Committee

Motivation: NMUN is a unique opportunity to proactively explore the field of international diplomacy discussing real world issues with motivated people from all over the world and to gain first-hand insights into the working of the UN.

Life Motto: Sapere Aude

Duc Le

Date of birth: 14 November 1992

Studies: B. A. Political Science & Sociology (3rd semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee:General Assembly: First Committee - Disarmament and International Security

Motivation: NMUN is a great opportunity to get insights into international politics, on how the world can be changed and how issues are approached on an international level.

Life Motto: If ?Plan A” didn’t work – the alphabet has 25 more letters! Stay cool!

Lea Maurer

Date of birth: 18 March 1996

Studies: B.A. Political Science & Islamic Studies (4th semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee:Commission on Population and Development

Motivation: I think NMUN is a chance of a lifetime to get to know a lot about the operations inside the United Nations. Furthermore, I am really looking forward to interesting debates about major global issues.

Life Motto: People are not as beautiful as they look or as they talk. They are only as beautiful as they love, as they care and as they share.

Katharina Reis

Date of birth: 8 September 1997

Studies: B. A. Political Science & Slavic Studies (3rd semester)

Organizational Team: Press Team

Committee:Commission on Population and Development

Motivation: My motivation for participating in NMUN is to get an inside look into international diplomacy, learn to negotiate and meet motivated people from all over the world.

Life Motto: Try as much as you can.

Svenja Marie Schrader

Date of birth: 28 May 1998

Studies: B. A. Political Science & Slavic Studies (4th semester)

Organizational Team: Press

Committee:General Assembly: First Committee - Disarmament and International Security

Motivation: For me the NMUN Programme is an extraordinary opportunity to have an insight into international diplomacy and negotiations. Furthermore I am looking forward to get to know and work together with amazing people from Bamberg and other parts of the world.

Life Motto:  “Don’t let life get you down - Be bold and wild and wonderful” - Astrid Lindgren

Simon Seitel

Date of birth: 7 March 1998

Studies: B. A. Communication & Political Science (3rd semester)   

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee: Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

Motivation: For me, NMUN is a unique opportunity to gain insights in international politics and diplomacy, to learn more about the United Nations and to practically implement theoretical knowledge. Furthermore, I am looking forward to work with a group of highly motivated delegates from all different academic backgrounds.

Life Motto: When injustice becomes justice, resistance becomes a duty. (freely adapted from Bertolt Brecht)

Carolin Leonie Wagner

Date of birth: 25 January 2000

Studies: B. A. International Business Administration (3rd Semester)

Organizational Team: Sponsoring

Committee:Environment Assembly

Motivation: NMUN is not only an opportunity to learn about the UN and diplomacy, but also an unique chance to interact with students from all over the world having the same goal: creating conclusions and resolutions together.

Life Motto: "If you get a chance, take it. If it changes your life, let it." - Harvey MacKay

Alexandra Wasielak

Studies: B. A. Communication Science and Political Science (3rd Semester)

Organizational Team: Press

Committee:General Assembly: Third Committee - Social, Humanitarian & Cultural Issues

Motivation: Participation in NMUN offers a great opportunity to act out diplomatic strategies within a setting of international cooperation. I look forward to escaping my cultural bubble and comprehending global politics through various political and cultural points of view. Finding peace-making solutions in a diverse team will be a rewarding experience that I will carry with me through many aspects of my life.

Life Motto: "The future depends on what you do today." - Mahatma Gandhi


Anna Winter

Date of birth: 30 September 1997

Studies: B. A. Political Science & General Linguistics (4th Semester)       

Organizational Team: Social Media

Committee:General Assembly: Second Committee - Economic and Financial Committee

Motivation: NMUN is a great chance to expand my knowledge of diplomacy and international relation together with an inspiring, multifaceted team.

Life Motto: "Beauty is no quality in things themselves: it exists merely in the mind which contemplates them; and each mind perceives a different beauty." - David Hume