Elite Graduate Programs at a Glance
The bilingual Master's Program Cultural Studies of the Middle East started in wintersemester 2017/18. It is sponsored by the Elite Network of Bavaria, an initiative of the Bavarian State Ministry of Science and the Arts.
Elite Graduate Programs offer an ideal academic setting to exceptionally talented and highly motivated students. An outstanding and intensive academic assistance enables students to make an early start on their PhD, on top-level research or on their preparation for leading positions in the professional world.
On average, the Elite Graduate Programs last between three and five semesters and are generally designed as Elite Master's Programs with particularly challenging qualification objectives. They offer an academic setting which is demanding and excellent by international standards, based on new interdisciplinary concepts with an intensive student tutoring program.
Every year in November, our first semester students are invited to a central reception of the Elite Network of Bavaria.
All students of the Elite Master's Programmmes become members of the Elite Network of Bavaria. This gives them the opportunity to participate in soft-skill seminars and coachings as well as in scientific and professional networking meetings.
Members of the Elite Network can use the network's intranet to exchange information directly with excellent fellow students and alumni from a wide range of disciplines and to directly contact potential future employers.
Are you interested? Please contact our coordinator!