Islamic Art and Archaeology

Islamic Art and Archaeology

For our understanding of Islamic cultures, material remains from the past (up to the present) are important sources. Islamic art historians and archaeologists attempt to explain how forms, functions and meanings developed in architecture, in painting and in the arts of the object. This way, artefacts can be interpreted from their historical contexts. At the same time, works of art can yield information on the cultures from which they originate.

Art and material culture from the Islamic World have a long tradition as a subject of teaching and research in the German-speaking part of the world. During some periods, museums rather than universities have been the place of these studies.

At the University of Bamberg, Islamic Art and Archaeology can be studied for a master’s degree and for the PhD. Topics of Islamic Art and Archaeology form part of the B.A. course in Islamic Studies. Modules of Islamic Art and Archaeology can also be studied as part of other courses.

Please find more information on the field of Islamic Art and Archaeology, on study courses, on research and other activities under the respective buttons.

(Studium = Degree Courses)

(Forschung = Research)

(Transfer = Events and Cooperations)

(Service = Service)

(Das Fach Islamische Kunstgeschichte und Arch?ologie = Islamic Art and Archaeology as an Academic Field)

(Personen = People)

(Universit?tsmuseum für Islamische Kunst = University Museum of Islamic Art)

(Aktuelle Hinweise = News)