ISHANDS-Projekt-B: Digital Health in Practice

Overview and Relevance

Modern, patient-centered healthcare aims to create an effective health system that, among other things, enhances the quality of medical treatment, improves patient satisfaction, and increases the efficiency of healthcare services. Achieving this goal requires the implementation and use of innovative technologies such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), blockchain, telemedicine, and electronic health records.

A fundamental prerequisite for the success of these technologies is the acceptance and active use by doctors and patients, as well as their seamless integration into daily routines. In fact, various concerns (e.g., regarding autonomy) often stand in the way, which need to be understood and addressed with appropriate measures. This includes, for example, building trust in new technologies and increasing the willingness to use them.

This is particularly relevant for AI systems, as healthcare professionals are not only confronted with the application of a new and often unfamiliar technology, but also need the ability to process, evaluate, and interpret data. For instance, such a system enables the identification of patterns in patient treatment, which facilitates a personalized approach to healthcare by better accounting for individual patient needs and risk factors.

Learning Objective

To convey these technology-induced changes in healthcare in a practical manner, this project offers students the opportunity to actively experience and understand the challenges and opportunities of implementing AI and digital technologies in hospitals. Throughout different phases of the project, students will take on various roles – from clinical staff to administration and patients – and engage with key topics such as acceptance, resistance, technical implementation, as well as the actual use and analysis of data.


You can register for the project using the registration form on the German site. Feedback regarding participation will be provided no later than October 14, 2024. The first session will take place on October 15, 2024, at 12:00 p.m. (c.t.) in room GU13/00.28.