CatchUP (2021-2022) Program for early-career researchers with children or caretaker responsibilities who had less time for qualification work during the corona pandemic Flex-KidZ (2019-2022) Childcare Funding for Female Post-Docs and Habilitation Candidates with Children FORSCHEnde FRAUEN (2008-2021) The colloquium FORSCHEnde Frauen offers female early-career researchers a platform to present and publish innovative research that goes beyond their dissertation and post-doctoral projects. MIT (2018-2020) MIT is a mentoring program for female students and doctoral candidates who are seeking a doctorate despite a disability or impairment. Ziel:Habil (2019-2023) As part of the official 2019-2023 target agreement, the University Executive Board supports female postdocs—after a positive interim evaluation of their habilitation process—with scholarships for twelve months.