Dr. Carla Setién García

Fields of interest

  • Christian literature, in particular the genre of Heresiology
  • Christianization of the Roman Empire
  • Late antique imperial-ecclesiastical relationships

Carla studied Classics at the University of Salamanca, doing her last year at the University of Granada within the framework of the “Séneca” scholarship. She then moved to Caen, France, for further university studies thanks to the “Exchange Scholarship with Foreign Universities”, funded by the University of Salamanca. In 2015 she started a doctoral program at the University of Cantabria with a thesis on Filastrius of Brescia’s Book of Diverse Heresies.


During the PhD she has taught “Latin language” to undergraduate students, “Ancient History of the Iberian Peninsula” to foreign students and “Christianity and the Graeco-Roman culture” to MA students.

Education and Career

  • 2009-2013 Degree in Classical Philology, University of Salamanca
  • 2013-2015 1st year of German Studies / Master MEEF Second Degré, University of Caen, France
  • 2015-2019 Doctorate in Sciences of Antiquity, University of Cantabria, Spain
  • 2016 Visiting research fellow, Dipartimento di Storia Culture e Religioni, Università La Sapienza di Roma
  • 2017 Visiting research fellow, Centre de Recherche en Histoire Européenne Comparée, Université de Paris-Est Créteil
  • 2018 Visiting research fellow, Corpus Christi College Centre for the Study of Ancient Greece and Rome, University of Oxford
  • 2021 Postdoctoral Researcher, Department of Historical Sciences, University of Cantabria

Awards and Scholarships

  • 2015-2019 4 years Research and Teaching Fellowship, University of Cantabria.
  • 2017 Grant. Erasmus Plus: Professional Development for University Academic Staff (English-Medium Instruction), organized by “Dublin City University Language Service”, Dublin.
  • 2016; 2017; 2018 Competitive tender for Grant pre-doc mobility for short stays in R&D international centres (3 months each).


a) Articles and essays



b) Chapters in Books:

  • Acerbi, S., Cortés, C., Saiz, J. N., & Setién, C., “Experiencias de innovación docente en la ense?anza de la historia y de la cultura clásica: el Mundo Antiguo y los desafíos de la telematización”, in XV Foro Internacional sobre la Evaluación de la Calidad de la Investigación y de la Educación Superior (FECIES), Granada, AEPC, 2018, pp. 921-926. (ISBN: 978-84-09-02098-0).
  •  “Herejes en el Antiguo Testamento según Filastrio de Brescia”, in (Re)escribindo a Historia. Achegas dos novos investigadores en Arqueoloxía e Ciencias da Antigüidade, Santiago de Compostela, Andavira, 2017, pp. 155-170. (?ISBN: 978-84-8408-373-7).