Prof. Dr. Guido Heineck


University of Bamberg
Department of Economics
Feldkirchenstrasse 21
96052 Bamberg
Tel.: +49-(0)951-863-2600
Email: guido.heineck(at)

Short Bio

Current and Past Positions

  • Since 2011, Professor for Empirical Microeconomics, University of Bamberg
  • 2009-2011, Head of Research Department, IAB Nuremberg
  • 2005-2009, Postdoc, FAU Erlangen-Nuremberg
  • 2004-2005, Postdoc, ?IF Vienna
  • 1999-2004, Research Assistant, University of Bamberg

Research Interests

Economics of Education, Human Capital, Skills

Publications: here 


  • Research Fellow, IZA Bonn
  • Research Associate, LIfBi Bamberg
  • Research Fellow, LASER, FAU Erlangen-Nürnberg
  • Member of 'Bildungs?konomischer Ausschuss im Verein für Socialpolitik'
  • Member of 'Bev?lkerungs?konomischer Ausschuss im Verein für Socialpolitik'
  • Scientific Advisory Board, ifb Bamberg
  • Member of the NEPS Network Commitee

Academic Management and Service

  • Since 10/2023, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration
  • 2017-2023, Chairman of the Doctoral Commitee of the School of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration
  • 2017-2019, Member of the Senate of the University of Bamberg
  • 2015-2017, Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration
  • 2013-2015, Vice Dean of the School of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration

External Links

Curriculum Vitae:  CV(202.1 KB)