Teacher training: Virtual Reality and ESD in English lessons

Travelling to faraway places and discovering the underwater world: virtual reality (VR) apps have a lot of potential – especially for English lessons!

In this training programme, you will learn what VR glasses are and how to use them, which apps are suitable for English lessons and how VR can be used effectively for topics related to sustainability. You will also get free access to a software that enables learners to create their own VR worlds.

  • Digitally adaptabale teaching material (e.g. poster: VR classroom phrases(566.8 KB))
  • Explanatory videos on VR and ESD (education for sustainable development)
  • VR headsets to borrow (depending on availability)
  • Free access to VR software with which learners can easily create their own VR content (via smartphone)
  • Certificate of participation (DigCompEdu Bavaria, level III/IV)

The training programme takes place in a blended learning format on three days: a kick-off online and two face-to-face dates in Bamberg.

The training is offered twice. Registration takes place via FIBS.

Offer 1: (FIBS no.: E2142-0/24/363365)

1) Kick-off online, 26 September 2024 (3 - 4 pm)

2) Workshop in Bamberg, 9 October 2024 (9 am - 5 pm)

3) Wrap-up in Bamberg, 13 November 2024 (9 am - 1 pm)

Offer 2: (FIBS no.: E2142-0/24/363376)

1) Kick-off online, 1 October 2024 (3 - 4 pm)

2) Workshop in Bamberg, 10 October 2024 (9 am - 5 pm)

3) Wrap-up in Bamberg, 16 January 2025 (9 am - 1 pm)

Offer 3: (FIBS no.: will be added)

1) Kick-off online, 24 February 2025 (3 - 4 pm)

2) Workshop in Bamberg, 12 March 2025 (9 am - 5 pm)

3) Wrap-up in Bamberg, 7 April 2025 (9 am - 1 pm)

Offer 4: (FIBS no.: will be added)

1) Kick-off online, 25 February 2025 (3 - 4 pm)

2) Workshop in Bamberg, 13 March 2025 (9 am - 5 pm)

3) Wrap-up in Bamberg, 9 April 2025 (9 am - 1 pm)

In addition, open online consultation hours are offered as well as, depending on availability, on-site support at your school.

  • Participants should be open to digital technologies and be willing to integrate a VR sequence lasting approximately two to three hours into their English lessons.
  • It is not necessary for your school to already have VR equipment.
  • The training is recognised by the government of Upper Franconia as teacher training.
  • If you successfully complete the course, you will receive a certificate of attendance with the information that you will be able to offer VR training courses within your school in the future.

The training is intended for English teachers from all secondary schools and vocational schools who are interested in VR technology and are willing to familiarise themselves with this technology and integrate it into their teaching.

We look forward to meeting you!

The training programme is part of the nationwide competence network lernen:digital and the joint project DiSo-SGW at the University of Bamberg and is being researched as part of the project's objectives. Further information about the project can be found here.

Instructors of the training: Prof. Dr Theresa Summer, Michelle Zirkel, Claudia Schnellb?gl (English Language Education, University of Bamberg)

Any questions? Please contact vr.tefl(at)uni-bamberg.de.