Arrival. Family Education and Counselling for Refugee Families.

In January 2024 a new Bavarian Research Association started: ?Family Life in Bavaria - Empirical Insights into Transformations, Resources and Negotiations (ForFamily)“.

Two of the ten sub-projects in all are settled at the University of Bamberg and one of them at the Sociology in Bamberg: Prof. Dr. Henriette Engelhardt-W?lfler from the Professorship for Demography and Doris Lüken-Kla?en from the State Institute for Family Research at the University of Bamberg (ifb) manage the project ?Arrival. Family Education and Counselling of Refugee Families". Based on a qualitative longitudinal study they analyze together with Sarah Ali Mohamed, how institutions of social work react to the immigration of refugees, what kind of challenges professionals face, and how a peaceful coexistence and the integration of refugee parents and children can be promoted in the long term.

Press release (German only): /presse/pm/artikel/gesellschaftlicher-wandel-und-seine-wechselwirkungen-mit-familien/