ESF-Projekt "Alumnae Tracking"

The project started on October 2012 and is to be finished in December 2014. 
Project leader: Ute Schmid
Research assistents: Silvia F?rtsch and Anja G?rtig-Daugs

It is founded by:

The goal of this project is to satisfy the demand of young academics in MINT professions. It aims at alleviating the effects of shortage of skilled labor both regionally and in Germany as a whole. Women are still underrepresented in MINT professions. In engineering and computer science, only 19% of all graduating students were female in 2010. In 2011, this percentage was even lower at 18.1%. It is even more important to find out the reasons for this current low rate.

The project consists of several elements and the data collection will be organised in three waves. You can find more information about the whole project on the project website.