Dr. Birgit Muskat


E-Mail: b.muskat(at)deakin.edu.au

Birgit Muskat ist Visiting Scholar am Lehrstuhl für Vertrieb und Marketing. Sie ist Senior Research Fellow an der Deakin University, Faculty of Business and Law, Melbourne.

Ansprechpartner für

  • Knowledge Management in Sales and Marketing (Seminar, Sommersemester)


  • Knowledge Management
  • Key Account Management
  • Dienstleistungsmanagement
  • Internationales Marketing

Ausgew?hlte Publikationen

Peer-reviewed journal articles – published and accepted for publication

  • Muskat, B., & Deery, M. (2017). Knowledge transfer and organizational memory in event organizations. Event Management (in print). ABDC ranked A.
  • Prayag, G., Hosany, S., Muskat, B., & Del Chiappa, G. (2017). Understanding the relationships between tourists’ emotional experiences, perceived overall image, satisfaction, and intention to recommend. Journal of Travel Research 56(1), 41-54. DOI: 10.1177/0047287515620567. ABDC ranked A*.
  • Tan, A. H. T., Muskat, B., & Zehrer, A. (2016). A systematic review of quality of student experience in higher education. International Journal of Quality and Service Sciences, 8(2): 209-228. DOI: 10.1108/IJQSS-08-2015-0058. ABDC ranked C.
  • Muskat B. (2014). Emotions in organization-public relationships: Proposing a new determinant. Public Relations Review. 40(5): 832–834. DOI: 10.1016/j.pubrev.2014.06.004. ABDC ranked A.
  • Zehrer, A., Muskat, B., & Muskat, M. (2014). Services research in tourism: Advocating the integration of the supplier side. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20(4): 353–363. DOI: 10.1177/1356766714533334. ABDC ranked A.
  • Muskat, B., Muskat, M., & Richardson, A. (2014). How do Europeans travel in Australia? Examining cultural convergence in travel behaviour. Journal of Vacation Marketing, 20(1): 55–64. DOI: 10.1177/1356766713490164. ABDC ranked A.
  • Muskat, B., Muskat, M., & Blackman, D. (2013). Understanding the cultural antecedents of quality management in tourism. Managing Service Quality, 23(2): 131-148. DOI: 10.1108/09604521311303417. ABDC ranked A.
  • Muskat, M., Muskat, B., Zehrer, A. & Johns R. (2013). Generation Y: Evaluating services experiences through mobile ethnography. Tourism Review, 68(3): 55–71. DOI: 10.1108/TR-02-2013-0007. ABDC ranked B.
  • Muskat, M., Blackman, D., & Muskat, B. (2012). Mixed methods: Combining expert interviews, cross-impact analysis and scenario development. Electronic Journal of Business Research Methods, 10(1): 9–21. ABDC ranked C.






Scholarly book chapters

  • Zehrer, A., Muskat, B., & Muskat, M. (2016). Innovation in Tourism Firms. In E. Innerhofer & H. Pechlaner (Eds.), Competence-Based Innovation in Hospitality and Tourism (pp. 81–94). Farnham, Surrey, UK: Gower. ISBN 978-1-4724-6396-8.
  • Muskat, B., & Muskat, M. (2016). Tourism Development in Australia. In H. Siller & A. Zehrer (Eds.), Entrepreneurship und Tourismus: Unternehmerisches Denken und Erfolgskonzepte aus der Praxis (2nd ed.) (pp. 207–218). Vienna, Austria: Linde. ISBN 978-3-7143-0289-9.
  • Zehrer, A., & Muskat, B. (2016). Der Treiber Innovation in touristischen Unternehmen. In H. Siller & A. Zehrer (Eds.), Entrepreneurship und Tourismus: Unternehmerisches Denken und Erfolgskonzepte aus der Praxis (2nd ed.) (pp. 29–46). Vienna, Austria: Linde. ISBN 978-3-7143-0289-9.
  • Muskat, B., Nakanishi, H., & Blackman, D. (2014). Integrating Tourism into Disaster Recovery Management: The Case of the Great East Japan Earthquake and Tsunami 2011. In B. Ritchie & K. Campiranon (Eds), Tourism Crisis and Disaster Management in Asia-Pacific (pp. 97–115). Wallingford, UK: CABI. ISBN 978-1-7806-4325-0.
  • Bouvain, P., Muskat, M., & Muskat, B. (2011). Word-of-mouth amplified – An exploration of hotel customer feedback websites. Dialogmarketing Perspektiven 2010/2011 (pp. 21–52). Wiesbaden, Germany: Gabler. ISBN 978-3-8349-6593-6.

Scholarly book

Muskat, B. (2007). Total Quality Management in Tourism. Wiesbaden, Germany: DUV Gabler. ISBN 3835007807.

Peer-reviewed conference papers and presentations

Muskat, B., Zehrer, A. & Haselwanter, S. (2016). Strategic Planning in micro businesses – Adapting the strategic clock for micro firms. EURAM 2016, Manageable Cooperation? Paris, France, 1–4 June 2016.

Bressan, A., de Burgh-Woodman, H., Muskat, B., & Zehrer, A. (2016). Conceptualising on sustainable-oriented innovation SMEs: A cross-national study. EURAM 2016, Manageable Cooperation? Paris, France, 1–4 June 2016.

Zehrer, A., Muskat, B., & Muskat, M. (2015). Influencing factors of tourism SME innovation. TTRA Conference, Service Innovation and Experiences in Tourism. Innsbruck, Austria, 2224 April 2015.

Prayag, G., Hosany, S., Muskat, B., & Del Chiappa, G. (2014). The Relationship between Tourists’ Emotions, Overall Image, Satisfaction and Intention to Recommend: A Case Study of Sardinia. Second Biannual Forum: Advances in Destination Management, Institute for Systemic Management and Public Governance, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland 10–13 June 2014.

Zehrer, A., Muskat, B., Muskat, M., & Peters, M. (2014). Corporate innovation in tourism – A study on enablers of innovation in tourism companies. Conference Proceedings of CAUTHE 2014, Tourism and hospitality in the contemporary world: Trends, changes and complexity (pp. 12381241). Brisbane, Australia, 1013 February 2014.

Deery, M. & Muskat, B. (2014). Strategic Event Manager: Leader and group-oriented practices of knowledge transfer. Conference Proceedings of CAUTHE 2014, Tourism and hospitality in the contemporary world: Trends, changes and complexity (pp. 816819). Brisbane, Australia, 1013 February 2014.

Zehrer, A., Muskat, M., & Muskat, B. (2013). Evaluating service experiences through mobile ethnography: The supplier’s point of view. SDT 2013, Ringling College of Art and Design. Sarasota, FL, 79 November 2013.

Muskat, M., Muskat, B., Zehrer, A., & Johns, R. (2013). Mobile ethnography as an emerging research method. British Academy of Management 2013 Conference, Managing to Make a Difference. University of Liverpool, UK, 1012 September 2013.

Muskat, B., & Nguyen, S. (2013). Knowledge transfer in mega sport event teams. Refereed Proceedings: British Academy of Management 2013, Managing to Make a Difference. Liverpool University, UK 10–12 September.

Johns, R., Muskat, B., & Muskat, M. (2013). Conceptualising Social Media: A new understanding of the literature through the 8Cs of Social Media. In A. M. Doherty (Ed.), Proceedings of the Academy of Marketing UK: Marketing Relevance. University of South Wales, Pontypridd, Wales, 8?11 July 2013.

Muskat, B., Nakanishi, H., & Blackman, D. (2013). Leadership in the Phase of Disaster Recovery & Evidence from Japan. Conference Proceedings of CAUTHE 2013, Tourism and Global Change: On the Edge of Something Big (pp. 541544). Lincoln University, New Zealand 11–14 February, 

Zehrer, A., Muskat, B., Muskat, M., & Johns, R. (2012). Service design in tourism: Examining the museum experience. Service Design in Tourism, 1st International Conference. Innsbruck, Austria, 2324 August 2012.

Muskat, B., Nakanishi, H., & Blackman, D. (2012). Integrating tourism into resilience-oriented adaptation and recovery – The case of Japan after the Tsunami 2011. Conference Proceedings of CAUTHE 2012, The New Golden Age of Tourism and Hospitality (pp. 433–437). La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia 6??–9 February.

Bouvain, P., Muskat, M., & Muskat, B. (2011). “There was a cockroach in my room” – An analysis of customer feedback on hotel booking websites as an example of co-creation of meaning. 7th Global Brand Conference of the Academy of Marketing‘s Brand, Corporate Identity and Reputation SIG. Said Business School, University of Oxford, UK, 57 April 2011.

Muskat, B., & Muskat, M. (2010). A comparative study of the inbound Europe international visitor profile in Australia – A mapping analysis of visitor travel profiles. In M. Orams, M. Lück, J. Poulston & S. Race (Eds.), Proceedings of the New Zealand Tourism and Hospitality Research Conference, 2010 (p. 508). Auckland, New Zealand: AUT University, 2426 November 2010.



Riedmair, Ch., & Muskat, B. (2016). Mit Sozialem Gewissen im Tourismus. Tourismus Konkret 03-2016 (p. 7). Vienna, Austria: ?sterreichischer Wirtschaftsverlag.

Muskat, B. (2013). Book review of J. Bacon’s ‘The Art of Community. Building the new age of participation’. Journal of Consumer Marketing, 30(4): 383384.

Muskat, B. (2013). Book review of G. Ashworth and M. Kavaratzis’ (Eds.) ‘Towards Effective Place Brand Management: Branding European Cities and Regions’, Journal of Product & Brand Management, 22(2): 191192.

Muskat, B. (2012). The challenges of my first job at ASACURA International. In S. McShane, M. Olekalns & A. Travaglione (Eds.), Organisational Behaviour on the Pacific Rim (4th ed.) (pp. 414415). North Ryde, NSW, Australia: McGraw-Hill.

Muskat, B. (2011). Book review of R. Huq’s ‘Employee Empowerment: The Rhetoric and the Reality’. Managing Service Quality, 21(6): 688690.

Baur, N., Volle, B., & Quack, H.D. (2004). Optimierung der Organisationsstrukturen im Destinationsmanagement. Abschlussbericht Forschungsprojekt Fachhochschule Braunschweig /Wolfenbüttel. Arbeitsgruppe Innovative Projekte (AGIP). Hanover, Germany: Nieders?chsisches Ministerium für Wissenschaft und Kultur. F?rdernummer/grant ID: 2002.486.

Kammel, C., & Volle, B. (1999). Wettbewerb der Destinationen. 4. Tourismus-Magament-Symposium “Visionale 99”. Unijournal. Zeitschrift der Universit?t Trier, 25(2): 16.