Prof. Dr. Matthias Muck


Room K?7/01.26 (please contact the personal assistant for an appointment)

University of Bamberg
Chair of Banking and Financial Control
K?rntenstr. 7
96052 Bamberg, Germany

Tel.: +49 (0)951 / 863 - 2091


Academic Career

Matthias Muck completed his studies in Business Administration at WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management. After his doctoral studies and his habilitation at WHU he was appointed full professor and holder of the Chair of Banking and Financial Control at University of Bamberg. His research interests are derivatives, asset pricing, portfolio management, financial control of banks and company valuation.


  • Member German Finance Association.
  • Member Swiss Society for Financial Market Research.
  • Founding Member and CFO of Finanznetzwerk für Deutschland zum Dialog zwischen Nachwuchs- und Führungskr?ften e.V.