Micaela Grossmann



Office: Feldkirchenstr. 21, Room: F21/03.13, 96052 Bamberg


E-Mail: micaela.grossmann(at)uni-bamberg.de

Phone: +49(0)951/863-3010


Pillar 4: Governance, Institutional Change and Political Behaviour

Field: Political Science

Research Interests: Political representation, political behaviour, underrepresented groups, ethnic minorities, democratic innovations



Class Matters: Exploring Subjective and Objective Class Impact on Political Behaviour and Attitudes

My dissertation project investigates the resurgence of social class in contemporary European politics, focusing on both subjective and objective dimensions. Unlike previous studies that primarily consider material class positions, this research explores the nuanced influence of class identity on public opinion and political behaviour. It delves into the dynamics of individuals identifying concordantly or discordantly with their objectively assigned social class over the past decades. The central question examines the extent to which matching and mismatching subjective and objective class explain variations in political attitudes in the European context.




2017 – 2020
M.A. in International Relations and Political Science, University of Essex and University of Bamberg

2013 – 2017
B.A. in Political Science, University of Bamberg



Nomination for the “Excellent Teaching Award 2023” at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Economics and Business Administration, University of Bamberg



2023 American Political Science Association (APSA) Annual Meeting & Exhibition
. Presentation: "The Impact of Mismatching Subjective and Objective Class on Political Attitudes". Los Angeles, USA. 31st of August – 3rd of September, 2023.

European Political Science Association (EPSA) 13th Annual Conference. Presentation: "How Do Different National Class Identities Affect Political Trust?". Glasgow, UK. 22-24th of June, 2023.



2016 (3 months)
Internship at Konrad Adenauer foundation in Lima, Peru


Academic Experience:

Since 10/2021
Research assistant at the Professorship of Comparative Politics, University of Bamberg

2020 - 2021
Research assistant at the Professorship of Political Sociology, University of Bamberg

2019 - 2020
Student assistant at the Chair for Comparative Politics, University of Bamberg

2018 - 2019
R Tutor for Quantitative Methods at the Chair for Political Sociology, University of Bamberg


Teaching Experience:

Winter Term 2023/24
Undergraduate advanced seminar “Political Inequality - is just representation possible?”, Comparative Politics

Summer Term 2023
Undergraduate advanced seminar “Political Inequality - is just representation possible?”, Comparative Politics

Winter Term 2022/23
Undergraduate seminar “The Political System of Chile”, Comparative Politics

Undergraduate advanced seminar “Political Inequality - is just representation possible?”, Comparative Politics

Summer Term 2022
Undergraduate seminar “The Political System of Chile”, Comparative Politics

Winter Term 2021/22
Undergraduate seminar “The Political System of Chile”, Comparative Politics

Undergraduate seminar “Ethnic Discrimination”, Political Sociology

Summer Term 2021
Undergraduate seminar “Ethnic Discrimination”, Political Sociology

Undergraduate seminar “Political participation in the digital age”, Political Sociology

Master seminar “Political Inequality”, Political Sociology

Winter Term 2020/21
Undergraduate seminar “Ethnic Discrimination”, Political Sociology

Master seminar “Political Inequality”, Political Sociology





?Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences

Image Credits: ? Bamberg Graduate School of Social Sciences