Enrolment in the Bachelor minor subject Allgemeine Sprachwissenschaft is no longer possible as of winter term 2023/24. Thank you for your interest.

The BA minor programme in "General Linguistics"

The BA minor programme in a nutshell

The BA minor programme in General Linguistics has a modular structure and complies with the European Credit Transfer System (ECTS). The final grade for the module is a cumulative grade based on course work.

The BA minor must be combined with a major and a second minor. General Linguistics may be studied as an extended minor (45 ECTS) or as a small minor (30 ECTS). Students register at the department where they chose to do their major.

The anticipated duration of the Bachelor program is 6 semesters. Students can enroll in the winter or in the summer semester. However, the way the curriculum is designed, it is best to begin the program in the winter semester.

Students in General Linguistics are expected to have a good knowledge of English and to be interested in language and linguistic structures.