
Wagner, Gerit et al. (2025): Digital health competences and AI beliefs as conditions for the practice of evidence-based medicine: a study of prospective physicians in Canada. In: Medical education online 30, S. 1–13.

Castonguay, Alexandre et al. (2024): AI maturity in health care: an overview of 10 OECD countries. In: Health policy.

Paré, Guy/Wagner, Gerit/Prester, Julian (2024): How to develop and frame impactful review articles: key recommendations. In: Journal of decision systems 33, S. 566–582.

Wagner, Gerit (2024): BibDedupe: An Open-Source Python Library for Bibliographic Record Deduplication. In: Journal of Open Source Software 9, S. 1–6.

Morquin, David et al. (2023): A method for resolving organisation‐enterprise system misfits: An action research study in a pluralistic organisation. In: Information systems journal 33, S. 995–1028.

Wagner, Gerit et al. (2023): Prospective Physicians’ Intention to Adopt Artificial Intelligence: A Configurational Perspective. In: Proceedings of the 56th Annual Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences: January 3-6, 2023. S. 3005–3014.

Wagner, Gerit/Raymond, Louis/Paré, Guy (2023): Understanding Prospective Physicians’ Intention to Use Artificial Intelligence in Their Future Medical Practice: Configurational Analysis. In: JMIR Medical Education 9, S. 1–14.

Prester, Julian et al. (2021): Classifying the ideational impact of Information Systems review articles: A content-enriched deep learning approach. In: Decision support systems 140.

Wagner, Gerit (2021): Which factors a?ect the scienti?c impact of review papers in IS research?: A scientometric study. In: Information & Management 58, S. 103427.

Wagner, Gerit/Prester, Julian (2021): A framework of platform design mechanisms, platform congruence and value creation on C2C platforms. In: ECIS 2021 Proceedings.

Hassan, Nik Rushdi/Prester, Julian/Wagner, Gerit (2020): Seeking Out Clear And Unique Information Systems Concepts: A Natural Language Processing Approach. In: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Ouimet, Antoine Grenier et al. (2020): Investigating Patients’ Intention to Continue Using Teleconsultation to Anticipate Postcrisis Momentum: Survey Study. In: Journal of medical internet research 22.

Schryen, Guido et al. (2020): A Knowledge Development Perspective on Literature Reviews: Validation of a new Typology in the IS Field. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems 46.

Wagner, Gerit (2020a): Why Do People Keep Consulting Physicians Online? A Study Of Teleconsultation Continuance Intention. In: Administrative Sciences Association of Canada Conference.

Wagner, Gerit (2020b): Fitbit-Based Interventions for Healthy Lifestyle Outcomes: Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. In: Journal of Medical Internet Research 22, S. e23954.

Wagner, Gerit/Empl, Philip/Schryen, Guido (2020): Designing a novel strategy for exploring literature corpora. In: Proceedings of the 28th European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS).

Yasasin, E. et al. (2020): Forecasting IT security vulnerabilities: An empirical analysis. In: Computers & security 88.

Wagner, Gerit/Prester, Julian (2019): Information Systems Research on Platforms for Digital Knowledge Work: A Scoping Review. In: ICIS 2019 Proceedings.

Heinrich, Bernd et al. (2018): Assessing data quality?: A probability-based metric for semantic consistency. In: Decision support systems 110, S. 95–106.

Prester, J./Wagner, Gerit/Schryen, G. (2018): Classifying the ideational impact of IS review articles: A natural language processing based approach. In: Thirty Ninth International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), San Francisco, CA, 13th-16th December 2018. Association for Information Systems (AIS).

Schuster, R./Wagner, Gerit/Schryen, Guido (2018): Information systems design science research and cumulative knowledge development: An exploratory study. In: 39th International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2018: Proceedings.

Wagner, Gerit/Prester, Julian/Schryen, Guido (2018): Exploring the Scientific Impact of Information Systems Design Science Research: A Scientometric Study.

Schryen, Guido et al. (2017): Literature reviews in IS research: What can be learnt from the past and other fields?. In: Communications of the Association for Information Systems 41, S. 759–774.

Schryen, Guido/Wagner, Gerit/Schlegel, Alexander (2016): Development of two novel face-recognition CAPTCHAs: A security and usability study. In: Computers & security 60, S. 95–116.

Wagner, Gerit et al. (2016): Factors affecting the scientific impact of literature reviews: A scientometric study.

Schryen, Guido/Wagner, Gerit/Benlian, Alexander (2015): Theory of knowledge for literature reviews: An epistemological model, taxonomy and empirical analysis of IS literature. In: ICIS 2015 Proceedings. AIS.

Wagner, Gerit (2015): Towards an Economic Approach to Identity and Access Management Systems Using Decision Theory. In: 2nd International Workshop on Security in Highly Connected IT Systems.