Lehr- und Handbücher

Business Ethics - Managing Corporate Citizenship and Sustainability in the Age of Globalization

The subject of business ethics addresses what can be considered morally right and wrong in the way businesses make decisions and conduct their activities. Business Ethics is a lively and engaging textbook covering the foundations of business ethics and applying these theories, concepts and tools to each of the corporation's major stakeholders. Written from a European perspective, the text considers the implications of three major challenges facing the corporation: corporate citizenship, globalization and sustainability. This second edition has been thoroughly revised and updated and includes new content on personal values and Asian perspectives. It features lots of new cases and vignettes as well as updates of favourites from the first edition. The high level of pedagogical features has been extended for the new edition, with new features including 'Ethics on Screen' and 'Key Readings'. The online resource centre has been developed further with new features including more teaching notes, incorporating review and discussion questions for lecturers, and additional weblinks for students.

Autoren: Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten

ISBN: 978-0-19-928499-3

Auflage: 2. Auflage

Verlag: Oxford University Press

Jahr: 2007

Corporations and Citizenship - Business, Value Creation, and Society

It is widely accepted that corporations have economic, legal, and even social roles. Yet the political role of corporations has yet to be fully appreciated. Corporations and Citizenship serves as a corrective by employing the concept of citizenship in order to make sense of the political dimensions of corporations. Citizenship offers a way of thinking about roles and responsibilities among members of polities and between these members and their governing institutions. Crane, Matten and Moon provide a rich and multi-faceted picture that explores three relations of citizenship – corporations as citizens, corporations as governors of citizenship, and corporations as arenas of citizenship for stakeholders – as well as three contemporary reconfigurations of citizenship – cultural (identity-based), ecological, and cosmopolitan citizenship. The book revolutionizes not only our understanding of corporations but also of citizenship as a principle of allocating power and responsibility in a political community

Autoren: Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Jeremy Moon

ISBN: 978-0-521-61283-8

Auflage: 1. Auflage

Verlag: University Press, Cambridge

Jahr: 2008

Corporate Social Responsibility - Readings and cases in a global context

Modern business is obliged to meet increasingly demanding ethical, environmental, legal, commercial and public standards as defined by wider society. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) has therefore become an important consideration for managers at all levels, as well as one of the most vibrant areas of study and research in the field of business and management. This important new book provides a comprehensive and student-centred introduction to the key themes and issues currently being addressed in CSR around the world.

The book brings together material by the most influential teachers and scholars working in CSR today, as well as many of the most cited and important articles, and is clearly structured in three parts:1) Understanding CS, 2) Applying CSR, 3) Managing CSR.

Each section includes an extensive and accessible editorial commentary that introduces the key debates and themes contained in the articles, as well as clearly defined learning objectives to guide the reader and challenging and thought-provoking study questions to consolidate learning. The book also includes three major case studies to enable the reader to relate theory to the real world, focusing on Nike in Asia, Vodafone in South Africa and ABN AMRO in Brazil. Drawing on examples and issues from across the globe, this book is essential reading for all students and managers with an interest in corporate governance and business ethics.

Autoren: Andrew Crane, Dirk Matten, Laura J. Spence

ISBN: 978-0-415-42428-8

Auflage: 1. Auflage

Verlag: Routledge, London/New York

Jahr: 2008

The Oxford Handbook of Corporate Social Responsibility

Business schools, the media, the corporate sector, governments, and non-governmental organizations have all begun to pay more attention to issues of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) in recent years. These issues encompass broad questions about the changing relationship between business, society and government, environmental issues, corporate governance, the social and ethical dimensions of management, globalization, stakeholder debates, shareholder and consumer activism, changing political systems and values, and the ways in which corporations can respond to new social imperatives. This Oxford Handbook is an authoritative review of the academic research that has both prompted, and responded to, these issues. Bringing together leading experts in the area, it provides clear thinking and new perspectives on CSR and the debates around it. The Handbook is divided into seven key sections: * Introduction, * Perspectives on CSR, * Critiques of CSR, * Actors and Drivers, * Managing CSR, * CSR in Global Context, * Future Perspectives and Conclusions

Autoren: Andrew Crane, Abagail McWilliams, Dirk Matten, Jeremy Moon, Donald S. Siegel

ISBN: 978-0-19-921159-3

Auflage: 1. Auflage

Verlag: Oxford University Press

Jahr: 2008

Ethical Decision Making in Marketing (SAGE Series on Business Ethics)

Written from a decision-making perspective, this textbook provides students with an overview of ethical problems faced by marketing professionals and an introduction to some of the issues they encounter as they engage in ethical decision-making.

A major concern is the unwillingness to grapple with differences between people who subscribe to different ethical considerations. This is dealt with by challenging students to consider how others might view ethical situations, for example what decision rules guide them, what their religious beliefs might be and what alternative courses of action they might consider.

Autor: Lawrence B. Chonko

ISBN: 978-0803955462

Verlag: Sage Publications, Inc

Jahr: 1995

Ethical Marketing (Basic Ethics in Action)

This text explores ethical issues facing marketing practitioners. It presents ethical theory in marketing context. Coverage includes advertising, product safety and targeting markets as well as marketing research, product counterfeiting, channels of distribution, selling practices and how to implement ethics into marketing organizations. Part of the applied ethics series, Basic Ethics in Action, edited by Michael Boylan.

Ethical Marketing examines a range of issues that marketing managers face. The book begins with a discussion of relevant ethical concepts and theories. Chapters are devoted to ethics in marketing research and target marketing, product issues, channels and pricing questions, advertising and marketing on the Internet, and selling. The volume concludes with a chapter on implementing ethical marketing through corporate policies and culture.

In Ethical Marketing, Murphy, Laczniak, Bowie, and Klein support the text with exhibits that add clarity to concepts discussed in each chapter. Questions for readers to ponder are incorporated into the text. Each chapter concludes with "Ideas .for Ethical Marketing" that presents action steps for marketing executives.

Autor: Patrick E. Murphy, Gene R. Laczniak, Norman E. Bowie, Thomas A. Klein

ISBN: 978-0131848146

Verlag: Pearson Education

Jahr: 2005

Marketing Ethics: Guidelines for Managers

A book on marketing ethics has long been needed. This one may not be the ultimate – what first book ever is? – but it makes an excellent start. The authors attempt at the outset to provide an intellectual foundation and then proceed to address specific ethical issues in the subareas of marketing.

In the lead article T. R. Martin, former Dean and currently Professor of Management at Marquette, does a nice job of setting the stage. He makes the obvious but essential point that business ethics is but  a subset of business ethics. He highlights the rising tide of suspicion about the ethical performance of businessmen, points out the problem of getting agreement on issues that have defied ethicists and religionists throughout the centuries, notes the inadequacy of research on the subject, discusses the possibility of teaching ethics in business schools, and ends on the hopeful note that top management seems to be showing greater interest in ethics.

Autor:  Gene R. Laczniak, Patrick E. Murphy

ISBN: 978-0669108323

Verlag: The Free Press

Jahr: 1985

Corporate Social Responsibility: Einfluss auf die Einstellung zu Unternehmen und Marken

Marken dienen den Konsumenten als Vertrauensanker, welcher besonders in Zeiten des Informations- und Angebotsüberflusses bei der Kaufentscheidung eine gro?e Rolle spielt. Durch die Globalisierung und internationale T?tigkeit zahlreicher Unternehmen wird deren (ethisches) Verhalten und insbesondere der Auftritt in Entwicklungsl?ndern als Nachfrager von Rohstoffen und Arbeitskr?ften unter dem Schlagwort Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) ?ffentlich diskutiert. Parallel ist bei einer wachsenden Anzahl von Personen ein erh?htes Umwelt- und soziales Bewusstsein festzustellen und rückt bei einer nicht mehr zu vernachl?ssigenden Gruppe von Konsumentinnen und Konsumenten bei der Markenwahl in den Mittelpunkt des Interesses.

Die vorliegende Studie gibt eine Antwort auf die Frage, ob Corporate Social Responsibility einen Einfluss auf die Einstellung zu Unternehmen und Marken hat und einen Beitrag zur Wahrnehmung und zum Kauf von Kaffeemarken leisten kann.

Autor:  Wolfgang Mayerhofer, Laila Grusch und Martina Mertzbach

ISBN: 978-3708902326

Verlag: Facultas Universit?tsverlag

Jahr: 2008