Nützliche Links

Online Research Resources

Online Collections of Primary Sources

Organizations and Institutions

  • European Association for American Studies:
    http://www.eaas.eu  - information on American Studies conferences and publications in Europe, as well as on travel grants. Also offers access to the American Studies Network (ASN) and the EAAS Archive in Wittenberg.
  • Deutsche Gesellschaft für Amerikastudien:
    https://dgfa.de/ - information about American Studies conferences and publications in Germany, research fellowships, travel grants and other support programs (mostly graduate/postgraduate level), and the graduate / postgraduate student network (PGF). Also includes a list of links to online research resources.
  • Austrian Association for American Studies::
    http://www.univie.ac.at/Anglistik/aaas/welcome.html - information about American Studies at Austrian universities and other academic institutions, stipends and prizes, conferences and publications. Also provides a updated list of American Studies organizations in Europe, America, and elsewhere.
  • Bayerische Amerika-Akademie:
    http://www.amerika-akademie.de/php/pub/main.php - information about America-related conferences, publications, and events in Bavaria, scholarships, fellowships and other BAA support programs (only graduate/postgraduate level), as well as an extensive list of links to institutions and organizations working in the field of American Studies in Germany.
  • Stiftung Bayerisches Amerikahaus gGmbH:
    http://www.amerikahaus.de/ - information about US-related events (readings, lectures, exhibitions, discussion groups, film series) in Munich, as well as extensive information about exchange programs, scholarships, internships etc. for students.
  • Rachel Carson Center for Environment and Society:
    http://www.carsoncenter.uni-muenchen.de/index.html - information about events, publications, research and study programs in the area of America’s environmental history and literature.
  • Amerikanisches Generalkonsulat München:
    https://de.usembassy.gov/de/ - information about working and studying in the US as well as general information about the work of the Consulate General of the United States.
  • The German-American Fulbright Commission:
    http://www.fulbright.de/ - provides information about German-American travel and exchange scholarships (mostly graduate/postgraduate level; highly competitive).
  • Deutsche Akademischer Austauschdienst:
    http://www.daad.de/de/index.html - information about scholarships and grants for studying, teaching, and researching abroad.